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Fresh installation RC3_Pre: Class 'vmPaymentPlugin' not found in product detail

Started by thesilentman, December 01, 2011, 15:02:46 PM

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I did a fresh test-installation on J1.7.3 and on the product-detail page I get a ->

Fatal error: Class 'vmPaymentPlugin' not found in {hidden}\plugins\vmpayment\standard\standard.php on line 25

I tried extending the plugin in question from vmSPPlugin instead but then it threw->

Fatal error: Class plgVmPaymentStandard contains 3 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (vmPSPlugin::plgVmOnShowOrderBE, vmPSPlugin::checkConditions, vmPSPlugin::getCosts) in {hidden}\plugins\vmpayment\standard\standard.php on line 193

A quick fix was to append the following lines inside the classes in

--- lines start ---

function plgVmOnShowOrderBE($psType, $_virtuemart_order_id, $_method_id){


protected function checkConditions($cart, $method, $cart_prices){


function getCosts(VirtueMartCart $cart, $method, $cart_prices){


--- lines end ---

This is just a quick fix and is still untested. I don't know if those functions must return something to the caller, so it might not be correct. For now I fixed this only to see if I could get some custom fields functionality running, that did not work with the previous versions.



Did you also updated the plugins?

Class 'vmPaymentPlugin'  does not exist anylonger in the code
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Actually it was a fresh install but with a small mistake.
I Installed VM and the Plugin AIO and then it showed me the update icon. I clicked it, but actually it was downgrading, because it has old info. see image:

So after that I uninstalled everything, and reinstalled. Same problem persisted.

After your post I went and found the actual plugin-files not being updated to the latest version. The upgrade did not work, and I bet it's because the version information of the plugins is still 1.9.8 ;) see image:

So I removed all the plugins and AIO, deleted the files manually and reinstalled. Everything seems ok now. Now I need to test the custom fields thingy :)



Hello again,

this is a bit off topic, but in the latest 1.9.8 I could add attributes and Values to the stockable variants plugin in a custom field. With the RC3 I click save and it doesn't save my entries. Any idea why this is happening? Did something break on the way to RC3?



Yes, you did a downgrade, I added this as note to the post.
Hmm, we just forgot to update the version info of the plugins, it should update it with the new aio anyway.

The plugin variants are a bit tricky. We just rewrote this plugin type, because it is not using the correct programm pattern. We want enhance that silently behind the scene, after the final.
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Studio 42

we rebuild all the custom plug-in to use similar method as plug-in from joomla

I don't tested the Stockable, but I am quiet sure this is not working in RC3

It was is to finish for next release
(actually the textinput plug-in is converted in the SVN)


Ok, thanks for the info.
I'll postpone the upgrade from Vm 1to VM2 for a little while longer until this is ready.
Any timeline for when this will be available? (1 week, 2 weeks, a month, two....)


thesilentman, you should definitely be learning 2.0.

You are NOT going to be able to migrate a live site and have the shop exactly the same without some work.

You need to get xampp, or a test domain, and start working. There are many changes, its "different, but better"


no offense but: I stated in my first post that this was a test to see if things work- using the functionality that has been announced for VM2.
That's when I stumbled upon the Version problems and unfinished part of the custom fields' plugin system.

So, I am actually trying to use VM, but as Max and electrocity stated, there have been changes that render the functionality that I need, unusable for the moment.
So i'll have to wait and retest when that functionality becomes available and the product is more stable.


You both are right. When silentman already tested vm2 and needs now the stockable variants, then he should wait. We plan the release of RC3 or the final next week.

On the other hand, we need testers. Maybe it is a good idea, when you work together with electrocity to develop the stockable customs.
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Hi, Milbo,

of course, as soon as you have fixed the issue with the form - not -saving, I am happy to test it. Just let me know when I can pull updated files from the SVN.


The error was that the aio did not overwrite the old files. The b version should do it correctly now.
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I have some problem with this aio plugin...after i upgrade to vm2rc3preb from vm198M and i put the new aio file then i realized that the vmplugins are not updated. Then i uninstalled the plugins with aio and reinstalled it. (After i unistalled the plugins I deleted the vm directories in the plugins dir.) But after i reinstall the new aio ,all the v198 plugins come back. How can i put the vmplugins version2.0 into vm?
I went again to aio interface and i try to use the updater but after the process ended the vm updater shows that its a vm1.98 version (altough the extension manager shows that installed virtuemart version is still vm2rc3preb! But not the plugins!(still 1.98) 
Is it a bug or i missed some steps ? 

Thanks any help!


[attachment cleanup by admin]


on the shipping screen I seeing for headings ??????
COM_VIRTUEMART_CARRIER_LIST_NAME_LBL                     COM_VIRTUEMART_CARRIER_LIST_DESCRIPTION_LBL                     Shopper Group                     COM_VIRTUEMART_SHIPPINGCARRIER                     List Order         Published
Display #510152050100all


mabeall32, this is noted and will be fixed. It just the language files were not included.