| One Page Checkout Plugin - responsive to boot, runs under all Joomla Templates. No hacks, no manual installation. Just install the plugin using Joomla Extensions Installer, enable it, and you are ready to go.
- Responsive One Page Checkout.
- It is lightweight and easy to customize.
- Compatible with every Joomla template.
- Extremely easy to set up. It will run in your within 5 mins.
- Fully ajax based system. Complete checkout within 1 minute.
- Ajax-based email and username verification during user registration. Saves time.
- Comes with two different checkout layout styles. Choose the one which suits you best.
- Comes in both light and dark colour styles.
- Ajax-based quantity update in cart
- Encourage your customers to register by showing them the advantages of registration.
- Enable/disable guest checkout
- Set/unset billing address and shipping address by default
- Ajax checkout displays running process this increases conversions
- EU VAT Check + Shopper Group Change
- Hide the Shipping Address form and Shipment Methods, if needed. This is useful for shops selling intangible or downloadable products.
- Show/hide checkout steps
- Additional module position in cart page (cart-promo)
- Joomla! 5, Joomla! 4, and Joomla! 3 plugin for VirtueMart 4 and VirtueMart 3
- One Click Social Registration + Social Login option (with Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo, etc.) of VP Advanced User (https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-advanced-user) have been integrated since version 4.0. This feature is only available in Joomla 3.
- Compatible with Alatak USPS Shipment Plugin
- Compatible with UPS Shipment Plugin
- Compatible with Advanced Shipping by Rules Plugin
- Compatible with AwoCoupon Pro
- Compatible with all standard VirtueMart Shipment Plugins
- Compatible with Authorize.net, PayPal Pro and all other standard VirtueMart Payment Methods / Payment Plugins
- Full SSL support
Live Demo [4 Layouts + 2 Color Styles]: http://demos.virtueplanet.com/?extension=opc
Product Details: https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
Download: https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
Pre-sale Queries: https://www.virtueplanet.com/contact-us
Support: https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/vp-one-page-checkout
System Requirement: VirtueMart 4/3, Joomla 5/4/3, PHP 5.3+/7/8
- Hide Name Field in Registration Form
- Use Email as Username for Login
- Verify Email Address Field
- Option to show page preloader while checkout page is fully loaded and prepared for checkout.
- Show shopper field descriptions as placeholders
(https://virtueplanet.s3.amazonaws.com/vp-advanced-user-banner-1.png) (https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-advanced-user)
Few Screenshots:
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/virtueplanet/vp-one-page-checkout.jpg) | (https://s3.amazonaws.com/virtueplanet/vp-one-page-checkout-style-1.jpg) |
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/virtueplanet/vp-one-page-checkout-style-2.jpg) | (https://s3.amazonaws.com/virtueplanet/vp-one-page-checkout-dark-style-2.jpg) |
VP One Page Checkout Plugin has been updated. Complete change log - http://www.virtueplanet.com/announcements/8816-update-vp-one-page-checkout-plugin-for-virtuemart/index.php#8886
We recommend all existing user to update the plugin in their site as soon as possible.
Being I like VirtuePlanet and what they have done with VM and Joomla, this is the simplest OPC I have seen. Easy set up and ready to go. A few minor things to be touched up but what is to be expected for a first release. Here's to the future.
Thanks Stonedfury for your nice feedback. The OPC is very much stable now.
We always try to provide the best solution to our customers in the simplest manner and with best possible support. We keep the complex part of the job for system itself. You just need to install and enable it. Rest of things taken care of by the system itself. I am glad that you like it.
VP One Page Checkout Plugin has been updated. Complete change log - http://www.virtueplanet.com/announcements/8816-update-vp-one-page-checkout-plugin-for-virtuemart/index.php#9370
We recommend all existing user to update the plugin in their site as soon as possible.
It is compatible with Virtuemart 2.0.20b?
Yes, the OPC is compatible to Virtuemart 2.0.20b and above. However we recommend that you update to the latest version of VirtueMart.
So far so great. As stated before a few bugs/glitches here and there that have been very well weeded out. Overall this has to be the most simplest and easiest to use. When do you plan on adding it to the JED downloads?
Thanks Stonedfury. We hope it will be published on JED very soon. :)
This is one of the simplest to use plugin I ever installed. It fitted nicely into my theme. Except for a few minor glitches (mostly problems with my template) which the author helped me with step by step.
Conclusion: Top-notch script and top-notch support.
Thanks alysp. I am glad we could help you.
One of the best one page checkout solutions out there. It also fixes the problem between joomla and vm about the self confirmation. That way you don't need a captcha solution for registration.
In addition they have the best support for their products. Jumbo replies almost instantly (within their working hours).
scorpio_x73, Thank you very much for such a nice feedback.
My experiences with Virtueplanet have all been positive.
I've never waited more than 30 mins for a response to a question and never more than 1 hour from question to resolution! That's world class customer service!
The templates are elegant with rock solid coding and flawless cross-browser comparability. All of the modules, components and plugins are included. You can create a first class web store right out of the box.
The templates are easily customizable and so easy to work with. I'd like to replace my Rocket Theme and Joomlart sites with Virtueplant products.
Abhishek Das, you've earned my respect and my business. I look forward to working with you on my next projcet.
Leigh Ketchum
Indeed another very neat plugin from Virtueplanet, that also solves the email field validation issue. No nonsense and efficient; thanks Jumbo
Leigh Ketchum, we always try our best to provide best possible product support to all our members on our support forum. Keeping things easy and simple is our most important policy when we develop our products.
Thank you very much for such detailed review about us.
Our main focus is on quality of our products and efficient product support to our members. As a result sometimes our response to the pre-sale queries get delayed due to overload. We are aware of the same and trying our best to handle all pre-sales queries in a better way.
Thank you once again.
Quote from: brsi on October 24, 2013, 21:38:38 PM
Indeed another very neat plugin from Virtueplanet, that also solves the email field validation issue. No nonsense and efficient; thanks Jumbo
Thank you very much. I am really glad you liked the plugin. :)
VP One Page Checkout Plugin is now also listed on JED. http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension-specific/virtuemart-extensions/virtuemart-orders/25503
The plugin has been updated to Version 1.5. We recommend all existing users to update the plugin in their site.
This plugin does not work with Alatak's offline credit card payment plugin.
Unless this is fixed in version 1.5??
I get a pop up error as soon as I check credit card "ERROR: Selecting Payment Method".
if this is fixed in 1.5 I apologise. I'll have to resubscribe and buy it.
The plugin is fully compatible to Alatak's offline credit card payment plugin. Probably you are using an older version of the plugin in your site. You need to update to the latest version.
I think your username with us is "airterrariums". If that is correct your subscription expired on 27th Nov. The plugin was updated before your subscription expiry date and we also informed all our user over a newsletter about the same. Never mind but you should have updated the plugin much earlier.
I just renewed membership, but it was instantly expired. Why?
Basic Membership
Validity Period: From 2013-12-01 08:13:57 to 2013-11-30 08:13:56
Username: airterrariums
It says valid from 12/01/2013 to 30/11/2013... ?
Quote from: deXtrous on December 01, 2013, 09:16:06 AM
I just renewed membership, but it was instantly expired. Why?
Basic Membership
Validity Period: From 2013-12-01 08:13:57 to 2013-11-30 08:13:56
Username: airterrariums
It says valid from 12/01/2013 to 30/11/2013... ?
There was some problem in the system. Your membership is active now.
If you have any subscription related queries or problem in future then please email at directly to info(at)virtueplanet.com This is not our support forum.
Alatak Offline credit card now working with one page checkout! Perfect
Cheers Jumbo.
Thanks for the confirmation. :)
Dear Jumbo,
I am interested in your One-Page Checkout, and I am trying to subscribe the membership in your website. But every time when I press "Subscribe", I receive the following message and then the process halt.
The page you are trying to access is restricted due to a security rule.
If you believe the security rule is affecting the normal operation of your website,
you can disable it by adding the following lines to your .htaccess file:
<IfModule mod_security.c>
# Turn the filtering engine On or Off
SecFilterEngine Off
Would you please advise how I can resolve it?
Thanks Jumbo.
Hello hkyklai, Thank you very much for reporting this problem. I guess our hosting service provider made some server configuration changes recently which caused this error. We have fixed it now. You should not face this trouble anymore.
Dear Jumbo,
Thanks for your quick response, and yes, it is now working.
Thank you for the confirmation.
Wondering why you should use VP One Page Checkout plugin in your site? Read what users are telling about this plugin - http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension-specific/virtuemart-extensions/virtuemart-orders/25503#action
(http://s3.amazonaws.com/virtueplanet/vp-one-page-checkout-reviews.png) (http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension-specific/virtuemart-extensions/virtuemart-orders/25503)
Helo. Can I translate this plugin on Russian language by myself? Or you have a language files in this plugin? Thanks.
The plugin has its own language file and it is already translated for English, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Thai, Russian, Portuguese. You can also translate to any other language just by translating the language file of the plugin.
It is only one and half months since we released this plugin. Within this limited time more than 2800 live websites are now using VP One Page Checkout plugin. We thank all users for making this plugin a big success.
VP One Page Checkout plugin has been updated to Version 1.6. Again added few new features. :) Read more: http://www.virtueplanet.com/announcements/8816-update-vp-one-page-checkout-plugin-for-virtuemart/index.php#11730
We recommend all existing user to update the plugin in their site.
VP One Page Checkout Ver 1.7 released today. The plugin is now also compatible to VM PayPal Express payment plugin. http://www.virtueplanet.com/announcements/8816-update-vp-one-page-checkout-plugin-for-virtuemart/index.php#11864
Hi walter sobchak, I have not personally tested this shipping plugin. But I have seen the demo of the same at http://www.gjcwebdesign.com/wal and also read through details in the forum http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=105803.10 I do not see any reason why this should not work with VP One Page Checkout plugin.
If the plugin is working perfectly with standard VirtueMart Checkout system then it should also work fine with VP One Page Checkout plugin.
In case you find any issues after the installation then you can always contact our support team at http://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/ and we will help you out.
Your are most welcome.
VP One Page Checkout plugin has been updated to Version 1.8. We recommend all existing user to update the plugin in their site.
VP One Page Checkout is listed in Joomla Extension Directory. Read what users are telling about this plugin - http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension-specific/virtuemart-extensions/virtuemart-orders/25503#action
(http://virtueplanet.s3.amazonaws.com/virtuemart-one-page-checkout-reviews-jed.jpg) (http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension-specific/virtuemart-extensions/virtuemart-orders/25503)
All your products are of excellent quality! I am also very pleased with your technical support. Thanks for your work.
Thanks Vlad44b. :)
Interested in this plugin but got a couple of questions:
Will this plugin work with Virtuemarttemplates Nano template?
Is there any way to try it out on my site before bying it?
How does the language support work? I want it to run in Swedish.
Thanks for answering!
Best regards!
Skickat från min HTC One via Tapatalk
The plugin is compatible to all Joomla Templates. It has its own language file which follows standard Joomla language system. The plugin is already translated for English, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Thai, Russian, Portuguese. You can also translate to any other language just by translating the language file of the plugin.
If you face any issue using the plugin then you can contact our support team at http://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/
Your plugin looks very good, have few questions:
1.) will it update taxes when customer switches between states (I have taxes defined in VM per state)
2.) Is there any way to skip button checkout as guest/register and show the whole checkout screen (address/billing/payments...) in the cart right away ?
Thanks : )
Quote from: rachitskiy on February 07, 2014, 10:01:41 AM
Your plugin looks very good, have few questions:
1.) will it update taxes when customer switches between states (I have taxes defined in VM per state)
2.) Is there any way to skip button checkout as guest/register and show the whole checkout screen (address/billing/payments...) in the cart right away ?
Thanks : )
1. Yes, the cart is updated whenever VirtueMart recalculates it and even after selection of states.
2. You can disable the registration and login area from the plugin settings so that the user will always land in the final checkout screen.
Quote from: Jumbo! on February 08, 2014, 09:40:33 AM
1. Yes, the cart is updated whenever VirtueMart recalculates it and even after selection of states.
2. You can disable the registration and login area from the plugin settings so that the user will always land in the final checkout screen.
Thanks for a quick response : ) I'll try it out in a few days : )
You are welcome.
Just purchased and downloaded this plugin. Really looking forward to implement and starting to use it in our shop!
Skickat från min HTC One via Tapatalk
Works like a charm in our shop! Finally we have a checkout that are easy to understand and use for our customers. Especially now when we really can hide everything concerning registration or shop as guest, which we have no use for.
Only minor thing is that customer comment field is not responsive. Seems as the col with set in php is overriding everything I try in the css.
Solved this by hardcoding a smaller width. Will work for now.
Skickat från min HTC One via Tapatalk
t68, Thank you.
However please note that the user comment area is 100% responsive and you can always verify the same with different devices and browsers in our demo site: http://demos.virtueplanet.com/opc/ "col" in texteara is user for different purpose. It does not really set the width. If it is not working in your site then post a query in our forum (http://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/) with your site link. We will check and help you to resolve the same. Probably your Joomla Template css is overriding that width.
when user is registered and tried to checkout, State / Province / Region * dropdown is empty, but when user checkout as guess State / Province / Region * dropdown works properly with complete list of option..
i wasn't able to notice this issue since when i was on testing period i only checked the guess user function and everything is working fine on it,, i only notice this when i customer reported the issue to me,, and i bought the plugin last November which is already 3-4months old now and the forum supports needs me to renew again my member ship which really SUCKS! just for an issue that from them
what could be the problem with this? its really weird since the layout when user is registered and guess user are just the same...
First of all please note this is not our support forum. Secondly please note that we do not sale individual products or plugins. We sales community memberships.
A problem can not start automatically by itself after 4 months. There must be some reason behind the same. Email the problem with your site link to info(@)virtueplanet.com along with your registered Username with us. We will check if there is any issue with the plugin.
The plugin has been updated to Ver 1.9 few weeks back. We recommend all existing users to update the plugin in their sites.
How to update? Just install new version on top of previous?
Skickat från min HTC One via Tapatalk
Quote from: t68 on March 07, 2014, 21:19:31 PM
How to update? Just install new version on top of previous?
Skickat från min HTC One via Tapatalk
Yes. Just install the lastest version of the plugin in your site
VP One Page Checkout plugin has been updated to Version 2.0. We have added few new options in this versions along with few security fixes. Read more http://www.virtueplanet.com/announcements/8816-update-vp-one-page-checkout-plugin-for-virtuemart/index.php#14025
We recommend all existing user to update the plugin in their site.
Trying to get my payment methods in a certain order in VP OPC. But they are not shown the way I have sorted them in jooma plugin list, nor in VM payment method listing.
In VM stock checkout the payment methods were listed according to their order in joomla plugins.
Have I missed something or is this a bug.
Quote from: t68 on March 11, 2014, 22:16:24 PM
Trying to get my payment methods in a certain order in VP OPC. But they are not shown the way I have sorted them in jooma plugin list, nor in VM payment method listing.
In VM stock checkout the payment methods were listed according to their order in joomla plugins.
Have I missed something or is this a bug.
This is not our support forum. Please post your support queries regarding our products in our support forum: http://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/
Secondly the payment method ordering has no relation with VP One Page Checkout plugin. It is solely controlled by core Virtuemart. Even if you disable the OPC plugin and check with standard Virtuemart checkout system then also you will see the same order.
Thanks for answering. I'll try the suggested method to see again if ordering is wrong also with vm stock checkout.
Skickat från min HTC One via Tapatalk
If payment method ordering is not working correctly in VirtueMart then the same can not be fixed by VP One Checkout plugin as it is controlled by VM Core model. In that case, you can report the bug at http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?board=127.0 so that VM developers can check at their end.
If you are having any queries related to VP One Page Checkout plugin or any of our products then please report the same at http://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/
Is One Page Checkout specifically compatible with VM Version 2.0.26d?
There seems to be a lot of chatter in the forums regarding issues with the built in VM OPC / Checkout / PayPal systems in general so I'm curious to know if you have this extension working 100% on a standard unhacked version of VM Version 2.0.26d or if its worth holding off until 2.0.27+ for this one.
VP One Page Checkout plugin is fully compatible to Virtuemart 2.0.26d. Many of the user are using PayPal standard or PayPal Pro as payment gateways in their sites and they never reported any problem till date.
This is excellent plugin. Our membership has expired but if you can answer just one simple question it would be great! I want to override default_checkout.php. I have made a copy from plugins/system/vponepagecheckout/cart/tmpl/ into templates/mytemplate/html/plg_vponepagecheckout but it won't pick up changes. Would you be so kind to help me?
You can not override the plugin layouts in your template.
I see. Thanks for response! Do I have to purchase membership again to update plugin in the future?
You need to have a valid subscription to download any products or updates or get access to our support section.
Hello Jumbo
I have purchased the VM one page checkout plug-in in Feb 2014 with one month membership and installed on our site. We have just discovered (unfortunately shortly after the membership has expired) that the credit card payment is not working on IE as promised in the package. I also realised that I could not even access your forum to find out if others have the similar problem due to the membership issue. Do I need to renew my membership to receive some support/ information on this?
Web site: www.valleygreentea.com.au
Joomla 2.5
VM 2.0.26d
Offline credit payment: alatak_creditcard
best regards
En Jie
prudd, first of all please note we do not sell individual products. We sell community membership and you get access to all our products, updates and support section during your subscription period. This is not our support forum. Email us your problem to info @ virtueplanet.com with your registered "username" with us.
We are glad to inform you that all VP One Page Checkout is fully compatible to latest VirtueMart 2.6.0 along with all other VirtuePlanet templates, plugins and other products. http://bit.ly/1n4ReLw
Thanks for that.
VP One Page Checkout Ver 2.1 released today. http://www.virtueplanet.com/vp-one-page-checkout-detail
We recommend every existing users of the plugin to update to the latest version for better stability.
You are free to update to latest VirtueMart 2.6.4. VP One Page Checkout and all present version of our products are compatible to latest VirtueMart Ver 2.6.4. http://bit.ly/1gtDfQm
Hello Jumbo could you please take a look at this thread
and let me know if there is anything you could do? My monthly subscrition is over- i bought this extension for second time though..Is this something you are familiar with and can a new subscritpion solve the issue?
Thank you in advance for your answer.
Which version of VirtueMart are you using? VM 2.6.0 and 2.6.2 had few language issues. It was loading backend language instead of frontend. Update VirtueMart to the latest version which should resolve that issue. Read this VirtueMart 2.6.4 release note for more details: http://virtuemart.net/news/latest-news/458-new-release-virtuemart-2-6-2
Hello again,
I have tested the site with vp one page and without it, and i only notice the translation problem when using it. The update order status email is sent in the default backend language, whereas when using only vm it its send in the appropriate customer language..Howerver i have updated me in 2.6.6 and i can still see the issue..
Our plugin uses standard Joomla language loading method. Whereas VirtueMart has it own language loading mechnism overriding standard Joomla language system. It loads backend language if frontend language is missing in your site. So you see the difference. In your case it is clearly evident that the front end language is not getting loaded in your site properly.
Anyway, this is not our support forum. Please drop us a direct email to info @ virtueplanet.com along with your registered Username in our site which you used to get the plugin, FTP Access of your site and Joomla Super Admin access of your site. Our support team will check the issue and revert back to your directly over email.
We are glad to inform you that VP One Page Checkout plugin - Version 2.3 has been released today. It comes with some great new features. To learn more visit: http://www.virtueplanet.com/announcements/8816-update-vp-one-page-checkout-plugin-for-virtuemart/Page-2/index.php#15867
Problem solved with your support. Thank you very much.
I got weird issue with the One Page Checkout plugin. After updating from 2.6.4 to 2.6.6 and J from 2.5.19 to 2.5.22 the OPC shows the wrong language in the part which is for shipping adress (the left column in style2). The field titles are in english instead of swedish which the site is set to. The other texts in OPC is correct in swedish.
The weird thing is I got another site running exactly the same setup (VM 2.6.6 J 2.5.22) and versions but on another host with another template. On this site the language is correct in swedish all over.
First I thought this was due to template issues but changing to Beez didn´t help. But If i swith to VM stock checkout language is displayed correct.
If I check the language keys in Joomla they are all displaying correct swedish translation.
I know this is not a support forum for VP OPC but I would like to get som input if this is an issue with the plugin or the site before I go and renew my account which expired in beginning of april.
Hope it´s ok to start out this way.
UPDATE: found a quickfix: if i made the english virtuemart files inaccesable by renaming them in /languages/en-GB/ i got it working and the OPC shows swedish text where it should be. Works for me right now atleast since i dont need multilanguage.
You need an update of the plugin. VirtueMart has gone some language loading changes in the recent versions and our plugin also has been updated for those changes.
Ok, thanks for replying! I'll get the update then.
Skickat från min HTC One via Tapatalk
You are welcome.
Important Update: VP One Page Checkout Plugin 2.4 for VirtueMart 2.6.8. Please read this announcement before updating VirtueMart if you are using our one page checkout plugin in your site. http://www.virtueplanet.com/announcements/16634-important-update-vp-one-page-checkout-plugin-24-for-virtuemart-268/index.php#16634
Hi Jumbo!
First, thank you for the plugin. I have a little problem with a reload of the cart. Every step (every request)
in the cart closed the cart. The Cart fold up. The problem comes when you change the volume in the cart.
I'm looking for days for this problem.
Do you have a solution ?
hazabel, this is not our support forum. Please post your query in our support forum http://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/ and our support team will attend you.
VP One Page Checkout - Ver 3.0.0 released. Now it is also fully compatible to VirtueMart 3 as well as Virtuemart 2.6/2.0.20b+. VirtueMart 3 package of the plugin is compatible to both Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 2.5.
To learn more visit: http://www.virtueplanet.com/announcements/18441-vp-one-page-checkout-for-virtuemart-3/index.php#18441
Get it today and enjoy a great one page checkout experience.
I just want to give a ringing endorsement for Jumbo and his wonderful plugin.
Not only does this plugin make the checkout experience more pleasing to the eye, but it functions more smoothly and I feel like it will lead to a better conversion rate. I'm trying to update the online store of a high-end brand from VM1 to VM2-3 and this plugin fits that luxurious vibe that I'm going for.
Being a bit of a tinkerer, I've made several CSS changes and sought to get a few extra functionalities into the plugin. Jumbo has worked with me hand-in-hand, even when I was being a complete pain in the ass. With his help, I've managed to display a striked-out base price above the discounted price without tax, as well as show the discount per line-item as a percentage. All of which, Jumbo helped immensely.
If you're looking for the ideal one-page checkout solution, this is the way to go.
VP Planet One Page Checkout works very nice. Install it, configure as needed what you would like to display, publish it and that's it. Works without problems, installed and configured in less than 3 minutes. Simply excellent.
When i install version for j2.5 on j3.4, and i see an error : Fatal error: Call to undefined method VirtueMartCart::prepareCartViewData()
How to solve it?
Thank you !
You have installed VirtueMart 2 version of the plugin on a VirtueMart 3 site. For VirtueMart 3 you need to use VirtueMart 3 version of the plugin.
Also note this is not our support forum. If you have any other queries then post the same in our support forum: https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/
- Auto Generate Username during Registration
- Hide Name Field in Registration Form
- Use Email as Username for Login
Hi Jumbo
I liked your OPC demo! :)
Does this support "Pay by Amazon" plugin? I know this was recently added to VM. I have been testing this with VM default setup and it works.
FYI-This payment method is different to others- after the customer clicks the Pay by Amazon button they are presented with Amazon popup window and after they are successfully logged in Amazon returns the customer address from Amazon and put it on the checkout page.
Can you please confirm before I buy. Thanks
Thank you
Sorry for the delayed response. Actually didn't get a email notification against your post.
It seems you have already bought your membership. Hope you have your answers by now. You can share your experience later. :)
Have a great day.
Thanks Jumbo.
Excellent support and All working as it should be. :D
Have other issue with the Amazon plugin itself - In touch with the Amazon developer- hopefully should be sorted soon.
solmab, thanks for the confirmation. Wish you all the best with your project.
When registering during checkout.
after I got to the cart , I get a
"change shopper" box with all the usernames in the system.
picture attached.
"Change Shopper" is a standard VirtueMart 3 feature which is displayed to the shop owners and shop administrators. Even if you disable VP One Page Checkout Plugin and switch to any other standard Joomla Template like Beez3, Protostar etc then also you will see the same option displayed in standard VirtueMart Checkout system.
It seems you have recently migrated from VirtueMart 2/2.6 to VirtueMart 3 using some 3rd party tools which is adding/making all normal users and newly registered users as your shop owner/shop administrator. This can be a serious security issue for your site. Please check the usergroup/shopper group of your users which will help you to understand this better.
If you have any further queries then please post in our support forum: https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/
Hello Jumbo!
First of all congratulations for your plugin. I like it so much. :)
My question is that after update VM to 3.0.9 version. The VP OPC stopped correct working.The error is with the shipment method displaying. It not modify the shipment method when i write a different ZIP into my adress. It seems to use only the ZIP from page load. Do you know this problem? What should I do? Buy again the plugin (my subscription expired not so long ago). I use now the V3.0.2 from your OPC plugin.
Thanks for your suggestion!
Have a nice day, regards.
Quote from: tuki on June 30, 2015, 14:31:27 PM
Hello Jumbo!
First of all congratulations for your plugin. I like it so much. :)
My question is that after update VM to 3.0.9 version. The VP OPC stopped correct working.The error is with the shipment method displaying. It not modify the shipment method when i write a different ZIP into my adress. It seems to use only the ZIP from page load. Do you know this problem? What should I do? Buy again the plugin (my subscription expired not so long ago). I use now the V3.0.2 from your OPC plugin.
Thanks for your suggestion!
Have a nice day, regards.
UPDATE: I found that only registered users get error with the saved ZIP. New registration everything working perfect. Does this issue a known error?
There has been some changes in the later versions of VirtueMart 3. Accordingly the plugin also has been updated. Therefore you also need to update the plugin in your site.
Also note this is not our support forum. If you have any other queries then post the same in our support forum: https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/
Quote from: Jumbo! on June 30, 2015, 15:40:02 PM
There has been some changes in the later versions of VirtueMart 3. Accordingly the plugin also has been updated. Therefore you also need to update the plugin in your site.
Also note this is not our support forum. If you have any other queries then post the same in our support forum: https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/
Thanks for fast reply. I read all version update on this forum, but not found any similar bugfix like this. I could not write on your forum, while my license expired for the support, and has no other contact opportunity. Therefore I asked you, if it a known issue. While if the Ver 3.0.3 not solve this problem, and I need debug it with a programmer, I would not buy at this moment again the plugin (after the 3.0.2). (obviously i will update the plugin--> buy license again, but I would do it, when it solve the problem.) Big thanks!
The latest version of VP One Page Checkout plugin is 3.1.2. However if you have a copy of version 3.0.3 then that will also resolve this issue.
I would also like to mention that upcoming VirtueMart 3.0.10 will have few very important changes in the core checkout/cart system to improve security. We have already incorporated the required changes in VP One Page Checkout 3.1.2. Therefore it is recommended that you update the plugin to latest version keeping these future changes in mind.
Quote from: Jumbo! on June 30, 2015, 23:51:20 PM
The latest version of VP One Page Checkout plugin is 3.1.2. However if you have a copy of version 3.0.3 then that will also resolve this issue.
I would also like to mention that upcoming VirtueMart 3.0.10 will have few very important changes in the core checkout/cart system to improve security. We have already incorporated the required changes in VP One Page Checkout 3.1.2. Therefore it is recommended that you update the plugin to latest version keeping these future changes in mind.
Hello Jumbo,
Ok, now I understand. Thanks for the many useful information. I starting the update now. :)
Have a nice day!
You are most welcome. :)
VirtueMart has recently introduced a new security check during checkout from VM Due to this change we also had to update VP One Page Checkout plugin (Ver 3.1.3) as it uses standard VirtueMart cart helper.
We recommend all existing VM 3 users of the plugin to install the latest update in their sites before updating VirtueMart component above 3.0.9 to avoid any problem.
Alternatively if you are not in a position to update the plugin immediately then you can make the following changes in your site.
Open plugins/system/vponepagecheckout/cart/cartview.html.php
Find the following codes in line 919:
$this->cart->_dataValidated = true;
Replace above by:
$this->cart->_dataValidated = method_exists($this->cart, 'getCartHash') ? $this->cart->getCartHash() : true;
The above change will take care of the security checking change introduced since VM However we always recommend that you update the complete plugin and remain updated with all latest changes in VirtueMart.
Hi jumbo. Will your plugin show in Joomla backend that there is a new update?
Sendt fra min A0001 med Tapatalk
Hi welrachid. No, at presently you will not see the update notification in your Joomla Admin. We have started implementing this in all our products and we will also implement it in the plugin soon.
Will this OnePage Checkout work with the Park Beach Systems, Inc USPS plugin?
Yes, VP One Page Checkout is compatible to Park Beach USPS plugin.
can i use VP One Page Checkout with this payment component?
many thanks, martin.
I am sorry but we can not confirm its compatibility with our products. This is a 3rd party commercial payment component and also do not have any live demo site. We also do not have any past experience with this component against which we can confirm the compatibility.
VirtueMart 3.0.12 has been released yesterday. We would like to inform you that the latest version of VP One Page Checkout 3.1.3b is compatible to VirtueMart 3.0.12. We recommend all users to get this important security update as soon as possible.
Hello, i am using this extensiion in my virtuemart shop and have to say that it is fantastic.
But, i have to say that it is not a "One" but a "Two" page checkout. Could you please integrate the login and register code in the checkout page ( with billinfo, payment, shipping..) like other real one page extensions do?. I would renew my subscription if you can make this possible.
Thanks much
It is always an One Page checkout system. The plugin keeps the address fields and other main checkout selection area in hidden state until the user confirm his status in the site i.e. guest or registered or want to register. The plugin loads rest of the checkout area through Ajax after the user confirms his/her checkout method without any page redirection.
This is done intentionally, mainly because of the the following two reasons.
- If the user is already registered then it must be having some billing address and/or shipping addresses saved in his account. Therefore if he/she fills the address fields and then decide to login to the site, the system will replace the inputs with the saved addresses creating confusion among the users.
- You can have Shopper Group based - Product Prices, Shipping Methods, Payment Methods, Tax, Discount, Coupon Codes etc in your site. When an user signs-in to the site or registered to the site the applicable/available - Product Prices, Shipping Methods, Payment Methods, Tax, Discount, Coupon Codes etc get changed based on the shopper group. If you show the final order total, payment methods, shipment methods etc before the sign-in or registration then it will not show them the actual picture.
Our checkout plugin keeps the process understandable to the users and help the shop owners to retain customers avoiding unnecessary confusions.
Many of my clients use this OPC and it works really well, the clients like the way it works, and there is no evidence of lost sales. Most of them only use a guest checkout in order to simplify the buying process as far as is possible.
@juanki if you don't like the way VPOPC works then you do not have to use it, as you say, there are other options. If you wish to have changes made to the plugin then the place for discussion about this is https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/
VP One Page CheckoutLatest Version:
3.2.0Released On:
24 December 2015Change Log:
- Added two new single screen or all in one checkout layouts.
- Added new Händlerbund Compliant Layout option in the plugin settings.
- Added ability to receive live updates through Joomla Update Installer.
- This update is only applicable for VirtueMart 3 version of the plugin.
Live Demo (http://demos.virtueplanet.com/opc/)
Virtueplanet One Page Checkout is a must have for a professional Virtuemart website. I own a subscription to the other, most popular OPC but decided to not use it on the new revision to my website. it is a good extension for sure but way more complicated than it needs to be. VP OPC is EXTREMELY easy to set up and use and provides a very professional, easy to use experience for my customers.
Of course I can not make a post about a Virtueplanet extension without mentioning the ABSOLUTELY STELLAR support provided by the developer, Jumbo. Answers to support questions are given lightening fast with with thorough accuracy. I have been using Joomla! since v1.5 and have spent thousands of $$ on extensions over the years. As a result, I have worked with a LOT of J! developers and can say that Jumbo is hands down the VERY BEST I HAVE EVER HAD THE PLEASURE TO WORK WITH! Not only does he help with issues that are usually my own fault, by he never hesitates to help with small customization without asking to be paid. I have personally had him volunteer to fix issues with OTHER DEVELOPER'S extensions when they refused to help. It is very evident that Jumbo loves what he does and really appreciates his customers. That is how I do business with my customers and find it refreshing to find a like minded businessman. As far as I am concerned, as long as he continues to care for his customers as he currently does, I will be his customer for life. As a matter of fact, as soon as my initial one year subscription runs out, I am going to purchase a lifetime subscription which is something I seldom do.
Keep up the great work, Jumbo! Thank you for the superior products and the awesome support!
Hi TurnTex,
Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed review. It's actually much more than a review. I am really glad that I could assist you.
Many thanks
I can show the base price per item, total tax and final price with tax.
How can I show the total price before tax?
base price | quantity | sub-total | tax | final price
It requires customization of the plugin layout.
Also note this is not our support forum. You need to post your support queries at our support forum - https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/
Hi jumbo, great plugin! :)
With Joomla 3.5.0 I have problems implementing the adwords code with it. When i add it to the /html/templates/mytheme/html/com_virtuemart/cart/order_done.php like here:
defined('_JEXEC') or die('');
* Template for the shopping cart
* @package VirtueMart
* @subpackage Cart
* @author Max Milbers
* @link http://www.virtuemart.net
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2004 - 2010 VirtueMart Team. All rights reserved.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
echo <<<EOT
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
var google_conversion_id = 1235456;
var google_conversion_language = "en";
var google_conversion_format = "3";
var google_conversion_color = "ffffff";
var google_conversion_label = "abs";
var google_remarketing_only = false;
/* ]]> */
<script type="text/javascript" src="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion.js">
<div style="display:inline;">
<img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1069127961/?label=2PeSCKzHgmQQmbLm_QM&guid=ON&script=0"/>
if ($this->display_title) {
echo "<h3>".vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_ORDERDONE_THANK_YOU')."</h3>";
echo $this->html;
It does'nt tracks the conversions at all.
Any suggetions for that?
Thank you in advance
This is not our support forum. You need to post support queries related to our products in our support forum - https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/
Hi, is there a setting in the cart of the one page plugin to remove the prices for not logged in customers? It doesn't follow the virtuemart settings.
I need to show the prices in the cart only if logged in.
Thank you
This is not our support forum. You need to post support queries related to our products in our support forum - https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/
VP One Page CheckoutLatest Version:
3.3.0Released On:
27 April 2016Change Log:
- Added option to show email confirmation field in registration form and in billing address form to guest users.
- Updated Captcha field display codes as per latest Joomla! 3.5.1.
- Fixed download key verification problem faced in some servers.
- This update is only applicable for VirtueMart 3 version of the plugin.
Live Demo (http://demos.virtueplanet.com/opc/)
My ctask:verifycheckout is failing with response:
{"error":1,"msg":"","execution_time":"33.92 ms"}
No description of what is actually wrong with the order?
The red alert div is just empty:
Running v. 3.0.3a on newest Joomla 3.5.1 and VM 3.0.14
This is not our support forum. You need to post support queries related to our products in our support forum - https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/
Sorry for not clarifying. The error accours when ST info cannot be validated even though there is a record for ST (for example, if the record was created at a time when address was not required)
I'll do a support thread on your site once my client agrees to buy another subscription.
Okay. Post your query in our support forum. Our technical support team will investigate the source of the problem in your site and respond accordingly.
You are running a very older version of the plugin on latest version VirtueMart. VirtueMart has gone through many changes so as the plugin. Therefore you also need to update the plugin to its latest version.
VP One Page Checkout -
Version 4.0 released.
Change Log:
- This update is only applicable for VirtueMart 3 version of the plugin. VirtueMart 2 version of the plugin remains unchanged.
- This update contains complete overhauling of JavaScript and layout files. CSS files are also updated. If you are overriding any of the original layout/file of the plugin in your template then you must remove them or redo the customization.
- Added options to show one click social login/registration buttons of VP Advanced User (https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-advanced-user) component in Joomla! 3.5+. The plugin does not contain VP Advanced User component, which may be purchased and installed separately.
- Added option to show page preloader while checkout page gets fully loaded and gets prepared for checkout.
- Added option to show shopper field tooltip.
- Added option to show shopper field descriptions as placeholder.
- Includes other minor bug fixes.
VP One Page Checkout - Version 4.1 released. This version resolves all compatibility issues with JCH Optimize Pro and some placeholder issues of 4.0.
VP One Page Checkout - Version 4.3 released. This is a security update of the plugin.
VP One Page Checkout - Version 4.5 has been released on 8th July 2016. Refer to the change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout plugin - Version 4.7 has been released today.
Please make sure that you install this update before updating to VirtueMart 3.0.18.
VP One Page Checkout plugin - Version 4.9 released. Please refer to the change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout plugin - Version 5.0 released. Please refer to the change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
We are pleased to inform you that VP One Page Checkout v5.1 is compatible to Joomla 3.7. You are free to update your site.
VP One Page Checkout - v5.2 released. It comes with many new features - EU VAT Check, Shopper Group Change by EU VAT, Hide Shipment, Hide Shipping Address etc. See change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout v5.4 released.
This version resolves compatibility issues with latest AwoCoupon Pro. We have also updated few PHP functions as per latest Joomla 3.8.0 and VirtueMart 3.2.4.
We recommend all existing users to update the plugin in their sites ASAP. See change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout v5.5 released. This update resolves few layout, css styling issues and also fixes few minor bugs. We have also updated it as per latest VirtueMart 3.2.12.
We recommend all existing users to update the plugin in their sites ASAP. See change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout v5.6 released. This update resolves a layout issue of version 5.5.
We recommend all existing users to update the plugin in their sites ASAP. See change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
Hello Jumbo,
I am a web site builder and I am developing payment gateways extensions for Joomla. My feature one is Stripe for VirtueMart. I am also volunteering in the Joomla Bug Squad, CMS Release and Marketing Team.
You should have received an email from your "contact us" page
I would like to further test my plugin with yours, and to do it regularly, to keep our common clients happy. Please let me know if you did not received it.
I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards from Ireland to India!
Hi rvbgnu,
Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you on Monday.
That's great, thank you. Have a nice weekend!
VP One Page Checkout v5.7 released. Added new order done layout file orderdone.php as per latest changes in VirtueMart 3.2.x
We recommend all existing users to update the plugin in their sites as soon as possible. See change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
I'm getting a validation error on emails with extension .design
Is this an OPC or VM issue?
This is not our support forum. You need to post your support queries related to VP One Page Checkout plugin in our support forum - https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/vp-one-page-checkout
Yes very good i've already paid a couple of times, and im willing to pay again, if you just let me know if this is an issue of your plugin or a VM issue. If it's an issue with your plugin that needs to be updated i will rebuy my subscription.
Your forum is not helpful that i cannot see "answers" for somethings that i might be experiencing. I understand that i cannot write a new topic without active memberships, but what is the point of not
One of those posts probably have the answer im looking for.
Anyway. im willing to pay if this issue needs an update for OPC, but i dont want to pay just to find out that it is an VM/Joomla issue. Each update of your plugin makes me do special customization, so i dont want to update each and every time you update.
You need to have an active subscription to get access the respective product updates and to read/write the support forum. You purchased our "Standard" subscription which gives you access to ALL our extensions and templates for 1 year at a very reasonable cost. You may purchase "Single Product" subscription for VP One Page Checkout which comes with Life Time Access to the extension. Refer to our subscription plans to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/buy-now?sid=22 You may also check your order history on the dashboard - https://www.virtueplanet.com/dashboard
As far as the latest version of the plugin is concerned, it does not have any such issues. You can also verify this in the demo sites of the plugin - https://demos.virtueplanet.com/opc/#vm3 Probably you are using an outdated version of the plugin or the issue is created due to your customization. Therefore you should first install the latest update of the plugin.
VP One Page Checkout v5.8 released on 30 January 2018.
We recommend all existing users to update the plugin in their sites ASAP. See change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout 5.9 released. See the change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout 6.0 released.
This update fixes a bug in version 5.9. It also includes few improvements. See the change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
We are about to release a new update for the plugin. Are you looking for any new feature? Let us know.
Ability to exclude fields in the backend
right now i've made a plugin that does this for me
$notNeeded = array('agreed');
i replace this with:
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$plgNemprint_admin_plugins = $dispatcher->trigger( 'getDataOnepagecheckout', array());
$plgNemprint_admin_plugin = $plgNemprint_admin_plugins[key($plgNemprint_admin_plugins)];
$notNeeded = $plgNemprint_admin_plugin;
Thank you for the suggestion. We will try to add a custom plugin event so that you can hook into it. By the way, you can not disable any field which are set as "required". Then VirtueMart will not allow you to process the order.
Thank you. I use the fields to set which employee will handle the production of the order. Therefore I need the fields to be able to be set in backend but not by customer
Okay. We will surely give it a thought. :)
VP One Page Checkout 6.2 released. Now the plugin is also fully compatible to VirtueMart 3.4.
See the change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout 6.4 released. This update contains few bug fixes and also resolves few compatibility issues with VirtueMart 3.4.3 and Joomla 3.9.3.
See the change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
We recommend all existing users to update the plugin in their websites.
VP One Page Checkout - v6.5 released. This update fixes few major compatibility issues with upcoming VirtueMart 3.4.5. We have also added some new features. See the change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
We recommend all users to install the update as soon as possible.
VP One Page Checkout - v6.6 released. This update contains important compatibility fixes with latest VirtueMart 3.6.0 and above. We recommend all users to install the update ASAP.
See the change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout - v6.8 released. We recommend all existing users to install the update as soon as possible.
Refer to the change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
Why ? When i try to send you a message, i see :
User 'Jumbo!' has blocked your personal message.
Quote from: Studio 42 on June 11, 2020, 18:24:29 PM
Why ? When i try to send you a message, i see :
User 'Jumbo!' has blocked your personal message.
I accept PM only from
Buddies and Administrators. VM Forum gives you this option. See attached screenshot. If you have any support queries you can post them in our support forum - https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/ If you have any other requests or questions then feel free to contact us directly - https://www.virtueplanet.com/contact-us
Your forum can only be used for registred user.
I dont buyed the plugin, but my customer.
It's really a pain to contact you.
Yes, product support is provided only to our customers. It is not a public forum. You can always ask your customer to post in our forum.
If you have any other queries then you can contact us directly - https://www.virtueplanet.com/contact-us
VP One Page Checkout v6.9 released. This update contains an important compatibility fix for recent VirtueMart releases. It also contains few improvements.
We recommend all existing users to install the update as soon as possible. https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout v7.0 released. This update fixes an important compatibility issue with VirtueMart 3.8.4 and above.
We recommend all users to install the update as soon as possible. To learn more visit - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout v7.1 released. This update fixes an important cache header issue in Ajax requests and contains updated codes as per VirtueMart 3.8.6.
We recommend all users to install the update as soon as possible. To learn more visit - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout v7.2 released. This update fixes few important compatibility fixes with VirtueMart 3.8.8 and other extensions. Added address field autocomplete/autofill disabling option for supported browsers.
We recommend all existing users to install the update as soon as possible. Refer to the change log to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout v7.5 for VirtueMart 3 released. Now the plugin is also compatible with Joomla! 4. It also contains bug fixes and a few improvements.
We recommend all existing users install the update as soon as possible.
Refer to the changelog to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
VP One Page Checkout v7.6 for VirtueMart 3 released. Now the plugin is also compatible with VirtueMart 3.8.9 and Joomla! 4.1.0. It also contains bug fixes and a few improvements.
We recommend all existing users install the update as soon as possible.
Refer to the changelog to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
JUmbo, i need to modify the VP one page checkout
Custom Registration Fields is not working right ????
I enable it but do not see the filled fields in the billing adress form in next step.
Why it's not displayed for guest user ?
I do not find the original template folder to do an overidde
Why some fields are not visible on second step billing adress for a logged user (i do not disable it and work with other OPC and virtuemart cart)?
you can override the template files in
Quote from: Studio 42 on May 12, 2023, 15:09:38 PM
JUmbo, i need to modify the VP one page checkout
Custom Registration Fields is not working right ????
I enable it but do not see the filled fields in the billing adress form in next step.
Why it's not displayed for guest user ?
I do not find the original template folder to do an overidde
Why some fields are not visible on second step billing adress for a logged user (i do not disable it and work with other OPC and virtuemart cart)?
This is not our support forum. Please post your questions in our support forum - https://www.virtueplanet.com/forum/vp-one-page-checkout and we will get back to you.
Your forum is private. Please do it public to read
Quote from: Studio 42 on May 12, 2023, 23:22:36 PM
Your forum is private. Please do it public to read
Our paid product support forums are only accessible to subscribed members as per our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Free product support forums and general discussions are public.
VP One Page Checkout v7.13 released. This update contains a few improvements and bug fixes. It also fixes a few compatibility issues with VirtueMart 4.2.
We recommend all existing users install the update as soon as possible.
Refer to the changelog to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout.
VP One Page Checkout v7.19 released. The plugin is now compatible with Joomla! 5. The update includes numerous bug fixes and performance improvements.
We recommend all existing users install the update as soon as possible.
Refer to the changelog to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout
I recently updated a few shops and I have to say, your extensions are really the most reliable I have seen so far.
Updates from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 went so smoothly compared to other templates and extensions.
I really needed to write this here. Big thumbs up!
Hi Stefan,
Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words. They mean a lot to us.
We have some exciting news to share with you! As a leading software development company specializing in VirtueMart templates and extensions, we are thrilled to offer a limited-time discount on our popular Standard and Gold plans.
We are offering a 20% discount on both our Standard and Gold plans until April 20th, 2024. Take advantage of this opportunity to elevate your e-commerce store with top-quality templates and robust extensions at an unbeatable price.
Learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/blog/announcements/limited-offer-april-2024
VP One Page Checkout v7.21 released. This update fixes a critical compatibility issue with VirtueMart 4.2.12 and above.
We recommend all existing users install the update as soon as possible.
Refer to the changelog to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout.
VP One Page Checkout v7.28 released. This update fixes a critical compatibility issue with VirtueMart 4.4.6 and above.
We recommend all existing users install the update as soon as possible.
Please refer to the changelog to learn more - https://www.virtueplanet.com/extensions/vp-one-page-checkout.