VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Language/Translations => Topic started by: lexius on September 19, 2013, 10:11:42 AM

Title: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: lexius on September 19, 2013, 10:11:42 AM
I think there is no objection if the topic I write in Russian.

Не знаю кто делает перевод, поэтому пишу об ошибках здесь, может и узнает об этом правильный человек.
Есть небольшие грамматические ошибки и неправильный перевод, у себя конечно уже исправил, но при обновлении языкового файла не хочется проделывать ту же работу ещё раз. Итак, пока обнаружил следующее:
1. В карточке товара неправильно переведёно COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_SALESPRICE_WITHOUT_TAX="Цена на продажу без скидки: ", должно быть "Цена без налога".
2. Не принципиально, но мне "режет слух" COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_SALESPRICE="Цена на продажу: ", я поставил просто "Цена", кажется, что это более по-русски, так же и в предыдущем пункте.
3. "Рицензия" - все значения COM_VIRTUEMART_REVIEW Слово рецензия пишется через "е" - "Рецензия".
4. Опечатка: COM_VIRTUEMART_STOCK_LEVEL_DISPLAY_OUT_TIP="К сожалению, в данного товара в настоящее время нет в наличии" - одна буква "в" лишняя.
5. COM_VIRTUEMART_TOPTEN_PRODUCT="Лучшие десять товары" - правильнее сказать "Десять лучших товаров".
6. COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_VERIFYPASSWORD="Подтвердить пароля" – правильнее будет "Подтвердить пароль" или "Подтверждение пароля".
7. COM_VIRTUEMART_WRONG_AMOUNT_ADDED="Вы можете приобрести этот товар только в парти, состоящей из %s единиц(ы) товара!" не хватает одной буквы «и» в слове «партии».
8. COM_VIRTUEMART_ASK_ERR_COMMENT1="Пожалуйста напишите еще несколько слов для Вашего вопроса... " запятая после «Пожалуйста».
Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on September 20, 2013, 13:48:53 PM
You could join Russian translation team.
Вы можете вступить в команду переводчиков на русский.
Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: lexius on September 22, 2013, 15:06:40 PM
Спасибо, если это было предложение. :) Будем считать, что вступил, что дальше? Кто координирует этих переводчиков, куда отправлять замечания, поправки и перевод непереведённых строк?
Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on September 22, 2013, 15:13:04 PM
Google 'virtuemart russian translation', please.

If team leader won't allow you to join, you could cry here like me

Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: lexius on September 23, 2013, 07:33:03 AM
Max, thank you for the clarification.
Although I am always amazed by such responses as yours. Being on the official forum you are sending me to Google, why did not immediately write what you already know?
Very strange that they did not take you to the team, there really such a seriously selection? As for the quality of translation not visible that the team is only your favorites. Yes, in this world there is something to wonder.
Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: alexsmirnov on September 25, 2013, 01:28:51 AM
Hi Alexei,

I've just added you as a Reviewer. Please let me know either here or via PM at Transifex how comfortable you feel around TX iterface.

I would also really appreciate if before having a go at reviewing and correcting Russian strings you would be willing to check how correct the translation itself from English to Russian has been done.

Feel free to communicate with me either here or via TX.


Alex Smirnov
Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: alexsmirnov on September 25, 2013, 02:01:18 AM
Quote from: Maxim Pishnyak on September 22, 2013, 15:13:04 PM

...If team leader won't allow you to join, you could cry here like me

Hi Maxim,

Would you mind sharing with me what specifically you promissed to "correct" in VM 2.0.22c Russian localisation in your referenced post?


Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on September 26, 2013, 17:50:29 PM
Quote from: lexius on September 23, 2013, 07:33:03 AM
Max, thank you for the clarification.
Although I am always amazed by such responses as yours. Being on the official forum you are sending me to Google, why did not immediately write what you already know?
You're welcome.
VM Team resources are publicly accessible for anyone. My primary goal is to do nothing as forum mod. Cos VM users could search all they need on forum or in Google. Not everyone is willing to do such a simple thing like searching.

Forum Search and Google Search was created for a reason.

Use them and by doing this you'll support VM Community and VM Project. Why? Because VM Team be able to spend own time on more important tasks.

@Alex Smirnov:
I already mentioned this in post.
Quote from: Maxim Pishnyak on September 22, 2013, 15:13:04 PM
Google 'virtuemart russian translation', please.

If team leader won't allow you to join, you could cry here like me
Follow quoted url, please. The fuss was about COM_VIRTUEMART_OVERWRITE_OFF.
Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: alexsmirnov on September 27, 2013, 02:58:03 AM
Quote from: Maxim Pishnyak on September 26, 2013, 17:50:29 PM
... The fuss was about COM_VIRTUEMART_OVERWRITE_OFF.

Hi Maxim,

Thank you for your reply.

Now, please do me one more favour and enlighten me as to what you were going to do with the COM_VIRTUEMART_OVERWRITE_OFF string at Russian VM localisation project at TX?


Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on September 30, 2013, 07:44:50 AM
I hope something like this
Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: alexsmirnov on October 02, 2013, 09:23:52 AM
Sure, sure. Appreciate that. But where would you like us to put this stuff, please?
Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on October 03, 2013, 17:58:51 PM
It's hard to be useful for Russian localization a bit. Due no access to Transifex.


could be used.
Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: alexsmirnov on October 04, 2013, 08:48:40 AM
Quote from: Maxim Pishnyak on October 03, 2013, 17:58:51 PM

Exactly! That's where the COM_VIRTUEMART_OVERWRITE_OFF resides. So, how you were going to correct it in my VM TX project, assuming you would be a team member with translating priviledges?
Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: lindapowers on October 04, 2013, 20:04:45 PM
I loled at this post ;D

Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: jjk on October 04, 2013, 21:55:28 PM
Quote from: lindapowers on October 04, 2013, 20:04:45 PM
I loled at this post ;D
Ok, Maxim probably can't see that the key was replaced in the VM 2.1 trunk and as a result also already replaced on Transifex.  :)
But how about this?
COM_VIRTUEMART_DISABLED="выведенный из действия"
Title: Re: Mistakes in translation into Russian. Ошибки в переводе на русский язык.
Post by: Maxim Pishnyak on October 06, 2013, 14:25:27 PM
Quote from: alexsmirnov on October 04, 2013, 08:48:40 AM
assuming you would be a team member with translating priviledges?
Assuming that JJK brought light to us, would I be a team member or not?