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Product Name and Image

Started by Hujub, February 28, 2012, 16:50:15 PM

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Quote from: Atayazici on March 04, 2012, 21:51:45 PM
Do I edit the percentage of the image container?

actually , thats not the best way.

You should change the category view file.

change this
<div class="width30 floatleft center">
               <?php /** @todo make image popup */
                     echo $product->images[0]->displayMediaThumb('class="browseProductImage" border="0" title="'.$product->product_name.'" ',true,'class="modal"');

to this
<div class="catimage floatleft center">
               <?php /** @todo make image popup */
                     echo $product->images[0]->displayMediaThumb('class="browseProductImage" border="0" title="'.$product->product_name.'" ',true,'class="modal"');



Changed ...\components\com_virtuemart\views\category\tmpl\default.php

line 421 <div class="width30 floatleft center"> to <div class="width100 floatleft center">

Hope this helps someone else!




Changed ...\components\com_virtuemart\views\category\tmpl\default.php

line 421 <div class="width30 floatleft center"> to <div class="width100 floatleft center">

Hope this helps someone else as well!


u need to do an override. If not, your changes will be overwritten when you update


#19 Its possible to remove the Image Names!? In Product Details area....

is so bad/ugly to have that names in the layout of Product Details

like dewfw23_4e851a233f6f8.jpg
and in thumbnail again dewfw23_4e851a233f6f8.jpg

where we can remove this text ?? Can find on BE or in com_virtuemart/productdetails/default.php    :/

and another thing..
It is necessarily to have and use the small picture thumb to users could click and see the popup with the big product image?
Can we apply this on the default product image, without have the small pic to do that.. like in VM1
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25


Quote from: lipes on April 03, 2012, 05:29:12 AM Its possible to remove the Image Names!? In Product Details area....

is so bad/ugly to have that names in the layout of Product Details

like dewfw23_4e851a233f6f8.jpg
and in thumbnail again dewfw23_4e851a233f6f8.jpg

where we can remove this text ?? Can find on BE or in com_virtuemart/productdetails/default.php    :/

I dont get image names,
When I first installed, I did get the "img description"

So, I guess the best place to loook is the shop media files manager.

IF, They all have the image name as description, You can just do a my sql replace to empty the field


LOL! Yes .. its true!
All my images have text in this fields:

Unique Filename, Displayed image title, Image Alt-Text

To change this its better to download some SQL table name related with this in phpmyadmin... and in Excel Office replace the 'Displayed image title' with a empty value, right?! .. Damm for this  :P .......................
i just only have +/- 7110 images with names ............................... lol

And How about to have the popup shadow in the 'Product Main Image' and not in the 'Additional Image' thumb ? which file should i edit to change that? default_images?

tks !
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25


Quote from: lipes on April 03, 2012, 15:45:36 PM
LOL! Yes .. its true!
All my images have text in this fields:

Unique Filename, Displayed image title, Image Alt-Text

To change this its better to download some SQL table name related with this in phpmyadmin... and in Excel Office replace the 'Displayed image title' with a empty value, right?! .. Damm for this  :P .......................
i just only have +/- 7110 images with names ............................... lol

And How about to have the popup shadow in the 'Product Main Image' and not in the 'Additional Image' thumb ? which file should i edit to change that? default_images?

tks !

U dont have to use excel etc.

MYSQL update

update jos_table-name set column_name = WHAT you want to replace with


UPDATE `jos_virtuemart_medias` SET `file_description`=NULL

VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25


Just make a backup first with akeebah so you feel better, and in case something happens

AND yes, you do always get a preview, and another confirm before it updates


...and ??
If I create e new product I have to fill the fild image title !! -Can not save leaving it blank.
What now ??

Can i remove that code in details.php ?? Where is it ?
Don`t need the iamge filename or title...
VirtueMart VirtueMart 4.4.0 11095 | Joomla 5.x | PHP 8.3 | Vp_neoteric 1.6