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Problems with a new VM2 installation

Started by gmontezani, December 20, 2011, 16:15:03 PM

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Hi all,
I´m trying to install VM2.0.0 in a new site joomla 1.7 and got an error on my Site.

I´m using  :
- Wampserver on my laptop (Win 7)
- Joomla 1.7
- VM 2.0.0

What I done :

a. Downloaded a VM 2.0.0. from VM site;
b. I uncompressed the zip folder  to get 2 others zip folders;
c. Using the extension manager, I  installed the VM component com_virtuemart.2.0.0

Result on installation process : 1 success Message / No error messages.
Result in Component´s menu : I can see (and use) the VirtueMart option.
Result in Module Manager - Modules : I can´t see any VM Modules

Result in Front End (site) : Nothing. All still running like a default and normal Joomla 1.7 instalation(without VM)

After that, I just intall the second pack : com_virtuemart_ext_aio.2.0.0

Result on installation process : 3 success Messages talking about plugins installation and modules moved to new folders.
Result in Component´s menu : I can see the VirtueMart-aio option.
Result in Module Manager - Modules : I can see 7 new VM Modules.

Result in Front End (site) : I´ve receive the following error message, from firefox 8.0 / IE 8.0 browser :

couldn't connect to host

Can anyone help-me ?




What version of WAMP?

I have always used XAMPP Win32 1.7.3
for local installtions as this version was always 'Joomla! Friendly!'
not too sure about latest versions though???

not sure if it will help mate :-)




REally interesting. Strange.

Of course you can see the modules and plugins only, when you use the aio. Just try to disable all vm related modules and plugins,... and then activate them one by one to find out which extension is making problems.

And you must configure joomla of course to show the virtuemart view as home.
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