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[FIXED] Problem with Frontend-Administration for non-Backend Users

Started by namee, May 12, 2008, 10:00:42 AM

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This is problem is fixed with the solution posted above by sarahregan.

Find the file components/com_virtuemart/js/extjs2/css/ext-all.css
and then find this line


change the width of 5000 to whatever you need. I did this just yesterday and it worked, in my case i changed it to 500px.


My problem is the FONT STYLE FORMATTING... something is wrong there.
Is a major difference in aspect between Administrator's back-end interface and Front-end interface Style.
I searched all the CSS but I can't resolve it. :(

[attachment cleanup by admin]
Joomla 1.5 + VM 1.1


I found the Front-end layout to be messed up too ...... I'm using joomla 1.5.5 with VM 1.1.2
First I applied the width-fix already mentioned in this thread, then to fix the overlapping columns and LARGE FONT-SIZE in the the left-column child-menus ....

  >  on line #134 I changed <td width="80%" valign="top" style="border: 1px solid silver;padding:4px;">  so that width="60%"

js/admin_menu/css/menu.css  >  I appled a font-size to
.sidemenu-box li a {
   color: #666;
   font-weight: bold;
   font-size: 11px;

Preston Moore

This is hardly fixed.  I'm using J! 1.5.6 and VM 1.1.2.  Check out the pics for my frontend admin:

screen1 shows when you navigate to the product list page.  The green box I added should be the left module position, instead, it gets pushed down below the product list as shown in screen2.

By the way, this is in FF 3

[attachment cleanup by admin]
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your code, but you can't pick your friend's code.


Preston Moore i have the same problem with the Frontend pages like yours.
Did you solved this problem already?

Preston Moore

No.  I wish responses were that fast around here, but I just posted yesterday.
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your code, but you can't pick your friend's code.


Hello world!

This is my first post here and I am having the same front-end admin problem.

Problem: Textarea and parent divs are too wide for browser window viewed at full screen.

-for me this only happens under the store option in the admin menu
--under add payment method and add export module

-i noticed in the rendered page source that the parent divs have styles with widths of 900+ px
--so I think it is from some sort of php or html file

-please help me and others solve this front-end admin problem

<div id="ext-comp-1003" class="x-panel x-panel-noborder x-hide-display" style="width: 916px;">
<div id="ext-gen26" class="x-panel-bwrap">
<div id="ext-comp-1004" class="x-panel x-panel-noborder" style="width: 986px;">
<div id="ext-gen28" class="x-panel-bwrap">
<div id="ext-gen29" class="x-panel-body x-panel-body-noheader x-panel-body-noborder" style="width: 986px; height: 380px;">
<div id="config-page" class="tab-page">
Export Extra Configuration:
<span onmouseover=" this.T_TITLE='Tip!'; return escape( 'Define Export configuration for user-defined export modules or define additional configuration. Code must be valid PHP-Code.' );">
<textarea class="inputbox" rows="20" cols="120" name="export_config"/>


Preston Moore

Here's the problem:

When you fist navigate to the frontend admin, it only shows the admin utility.  Great.  But, when you navigate around to perform certain tasks, it loads the admin utility inside the template.  Not so great.

The solution:

When a frontend admin clicks "Admin", open the admin utility in a new window (maybe modal) and keep it there.

The biggest problem for me: 

I don't know how to execute the solution  :(

*EDIT- I wish the originator of this thread would modify it so it doesn't read [FIXED].  It's not.

The reasoning behind my solution is that everyone has different templates.  Playing around with the styling is only going to put out one fire.  What happens when you build another VM site?  You'll have to play around again.

We need a global fix to this problem, which is a frontend admin utility independent of the default template.
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your code, but you can't pick your friend's code.


I think the problem is with the URL.

If you go to the admin utility you will see index2.php? in the URL, but if you navigate you get URL's with only index.php? so the number 2 is out it.
If you put the number 2 in the URL so its gonna be index2.php? the page fit to the normal size.

Its look like that that's the problem, but how to resolve?
Is it because SEF404 that the link URL change from index2.php? to index.php?

Preston Moore

I pretty sure you're right Mordor.  It would be nice to how to change the URL to load index2.php instead of index.php.
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your code, but you can't pick your friend's code.


Quote from: Preston Moore on September 06, 2008, 21:26:58 PM
I pretty sure you're right Mordor.  It would be nice to how to change the URL to load index2.php instead of index.php.

Another problem if i do it like above i get no buttons to change or create a product.


Preston Moore i REALY know what the problem is its sh404SEF because i did a clean install.
When you put sh404SEF off and save you will see that it works!!

But how can whe make it in a way that it works??

Preston Moore

Good call Mordor.  Here's the temporary fix until it's made permanent in the VM code.

1. In your Joomla backend, go to components/sh404SEF.  Make sure your using the Extended Display so that you see the View/Edit Custom Redirects button.

2. Click View/Edit Custom Redirects.

3. Click "New" in the top right menu.

4. Enter the regular link that is created with index.php?....... in the Old Non-SEF URL box.

5. Enter the same link in the New SEF URL box, but this time add the 2 after index to get the correct link.

The attached picture is what mine looks like.  Repeat this process for each of the VM frontend admin links that you need.  In my case, the Orders link is the most important for my client so they can retrieve credit card data, but you can do this for every one if needed.


[attachment cleanup by admin]
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your code, but you can't pick your friend's code.


Preston Moore that's a fast solution but i wanna add and change product so to make links for every product is not the thing i whant.

I think it's a better solution to let sh404sef block the Frontend Administration panel for changing the links.

But whe are in the good way m8.. cost me hours to know that sh404sef whas the problem  ;D

Preston Moore

You're right.  I just thought about that.  My solution solves the initial links but individual orders, products, etc... are still affected and would be a huge task to custom redirect.

Skipping the frontend admin is the only way to do it. 
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your code, but you can't pick your friend's code.