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VM modifications - Joined forces?

Started by EyeScream, June 09, 2007, 23:26:14 PM

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I'm sorry i agree with Soren about CrackDaddy in every way.

I'm a very opinionated kind of person, and usually say things very strong and in a way that may offend in real life. But the difference between standing in front of somebody in the heat of the moment and typing words into a keyboard is that you have the time to put some manners into things, and if you think you will offend have time to delete and reword it.

If you have a community, and one person is going to cause issues, and maybe cause people to leave that community due to offence or worry that they will be slated every time they post a comment, in the interest of the community, that person should be banned.

Another forum i used to use used to be thriving and massive, put a question on and within Min's it was answered by people who knew what they were talking about.

Now after only 2 people started shouting their mouths off and just not being pro at all, it is dead, everybody has moved to another forum. So the community as a whole was affected, never mind the site owners who make a living from this, which Soren is  in that situation of course.
Ian Wright
My Design agency
Design - CMS - Ecommerce – SEO

Virtuemart to Froogle / Google Base XML Feed


Too bad about the banning of crackdaddy although it wasn't really a surprise. He had some very good points in this thread but I guess that calling people "retards" doesn't put you on top of the respect ladder so to speak...
I do think that banning is a bit hard and would personally rather have seen him warned but on the other hand, something tells me that this has already been done...

Well, back to the issue.

I was afraid that this thread would quickly be forgotten and buried in some deep forum archive but I'm happy to see that this is not the case!

There have been many very interesting thoughts about this subject and I'd really like to see this implemented in some way!

One thing that has puzzled me is that why there are sooooo many good hacks and mods out there that, in my opinion, should be included in the core but hasn't yet?

To name a few:
Excel CSV Upload hack.
Edit order feature.
Custom Attributes Extended.
Invoice/Receipt/Delivery Addon.
Update order status in bulk.
Product enquiry mod.

These are modifications that I believe MANY users have implemented and then another security update is released and there goes the weekend again implementing those hacks all over again. What would be the problem implementing hacks that doesn't alter the already included functions but merely extends them with more functions? The Excel file upload hack doesn't take away the option to still use a CSV file as source? Basically, I'm talking about the mods and hacks that extends the functionality, not replacing them. I guess those would be easier to deal with?

I'd like to clarify that this is really not criticism. Just curious why this doesn't happen?
My point is that if those features would be implemented once they are stable, the developers could spend their time on new features instead of helping users update the hacks to work in the latest release? The threads for some of the most widely used hacks contains a LOT of pages that concerns new VM releases and getting the hack to work with the current release. There must be thousands of hours put in to those threads just dealing with the updates?

This is most probably a question that have been asked before and I'm guessing that this is a time issue or maybe I have overlooked any issues with this approach?

As far as I know, the core dev team consists of a small group of devoted people doing their best to keep up the pace and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that more features equals more time needed which would result in more team members needed. Virtuemart is a really good shopping cart and I believe that it is in every users interest to keep it this way. Because I'm no skilled coder, my contribution would be at least partially finance interesting development projects.

Time for lunch!


Joachim A

Hi all,

Tomorrow Wednesday is the  IRC meeting and it would be great to see you guys there.

VM is not a paid project but is a community.

From what I'm getting the team as it stands right now is too small to handle all the work.

To be honest I am surprised  that the team finds the time to to do all that they do.

There is a lot that can be done and contributed even if you are not a coder. Just bring along your talents and thats a great start.   

Last week's meeting touched important points about reorganization and participation.

I'm aware that we all have time constraints, but with more participation we as a community will also all benefit.

But for this to happen help offers and words have to become action. A good place to start is attending the IRC meetings. If enough people show up tomorrow we could as well start integrating some teams.

To join the iRC is very easy with a IMC and if you don't have one or it does not support freenode You can use pidgin . Pidgin also supports google, yaho , ICQ etc and Its for free.

Here is the information you'll need to join:
Want to make VM even  better?
Joint VM the team


first off...
i said what i said here, because my comments were moved by a moderator and were made into its own thread(without a notification to me of doing so that they have been moved and turned into its own thread) if i had want to make a random thread with a comment relevant to another thread i would have done that in the first place,so... i was pissed off for 2 reasons.

people here dont have to like me or agree with me...
i call it like i see it, if you make a retarded comment i say so, and i usually have a valid answer to go wtih it.. but none the less if you dont agree thats cool, everyone has the right to say what they think. now if me referring to someones idea as retarded offends you, i appoligize, and add to it : get over it!!! if i call you ugly would you also be offended? its my opinion ...what is pretty or ugly.. much like retarded or smart... is ones opinion...nothing more...dont be so thin skinned as take it soooo personal.

with that out of the way...
Quote from: Soeren on August 01, 2007, 09:42:54 AM
Off Topic: User crackdaddy has been banned - mainly because the words in his posts were offending. On the other hand he or she has seldom/never helped us in a way that would have helped the project.
ciao, Sören

My seldom and Never helping code will likely be put on hold as i highly doubt you have any capicity of desire to improve the core code...
I have 2 areas completely recoded to be db driven
A)product options,
-very similar to the extended options someone built, but mine has its own db tables making it more scable and robust
B)product images
-are now handled in their own db tables and allows for 3 sizes per product, multi image flash uploader, ability to assign the same image to more than 1 product

as the other posted has mentioned...there are many great mods that have not been implemented into the core...and you make it clear you have no desire to do thing the way they should be done...
i will most likely release my own cart, with all the mods as a fork to this project so we all can benefit and move forward....

"never helped us in a way that would have helped the project"
..and you say my comments are offending..check yourself you lil black tea kettle
... lol... thats "retarded"
i guess completely redesigning 2 major core areas to function correctly wasnt enough for you...

peace out... thedaddy

Davey D


No movement in over a month, and this thing looked too good to be true. :(

What happened to everybody?

John - Australia

I don't know but haven't been on the board for a while
Just to resurrect this, I am willing to conribute up to

$150 for an admin order entry modification. I need

1. Back end order entry
2. Non-mandatory email (or single email) for admin only
3. Ability to enter/vary pricing

$75 for an Order printing modification
1. Ability to print a range of orders by order number

$50 for label printing modificatiion

1. To print a range of labels on Avery J8163 A4 labels.
2. Label to be bold, and include Product SKU/quantity in small print at bottom of label



Quote from: John - Australia on September 13, 2007, 01:36:30 AM
I don't know but haven't been on the board for a while
Just to resurrect this, I am willing to conribute up to

$150 for an admin order entry modification. I need

1. Back end order entry
2. Non-mandatory email (or single email) for admin only
3. Ability to enter/vary pricing


For manual entry see


this idea seems too good to abandon but the discussion is becoming tedious to read (no offence, but it's just long and goes all over the place).

i would also pitch in for some mods - a proper wish list for customers is high on my wish list for instance :)
would it be possible to make a sticky here containing :
a list of what people would like
plus who would be willing to donate what for each?
if that were there & updated, you wouldn't need to plough through the whole discussion and who knows, someone might offer to actually make one of these mods/extensions?

i'm thinking a list at the top and whoever wants to discuss can go read all the messages... the only thing is someone would have to do the updating, but it seems to me that australian john offered to coordinate?

ps if you do make a list like that, include me in for a customers' wish list...

John - Australia

very happy to co-ordinate this. Perhaps we can get some feedback on projects, and from those who can create the mods


Stacey Schaller

Quote from: aravot on July 09, 2007, 20:17:08 PM
I am interested in;

Gift wrap option
Gift registry, there is one available but has some issues may someone could take over and make it better.

I have a package of this that has some of the issues resolved, but many people need this working and it will take an experienced Mambo/Joomla programmer to get some things right. If it comes to having two or three of us work on it and split some donations in order to get it done, I am willing to look in that direction.

If any of you are interested in viewing the code, I will post it immediately following this message.

Stacey Schaller

Current code attached (based on the Gift Registry package by Lumis - with offending DROP user_info code removed).

If anyone would like to peruse the code and determine what it will take (ie Cost) to get this running, please let me know. Many people seem interested in this Mod, (including me of course  ;) ) and have clients waiting for it, so what can we do to make dreams come true?  :P

Here is the code:

[attachment cleanup by admin]


I am looking for a discount mod.  I have searched high and low and left posts but to no avail.  I sell T-shirts and stickers.  I would like to be able to offer buy any two shirts  get 15% discount, buy any three get 20% discount.  Not buy 1 shirt and 2 stickers to get a 20% discount.  A different discount scheme for different items.  Many other users are searching for something similar to this also.  Let me know the cost please.



I have debugged the gift registry component and module.Please contact me at

skype: sandip_pilake    (Sandy)

           canwillweb  (Nik)

YIM   : infobaysolutions     (Nik)
         :sandip_pilake    (Sandy)

We shall show you working demo in a couple of days


Josué (Yosu) Cadilla Andrés

I see this thread is loosing it´s initial strenth, I can only say one thing:
Don`t let this thread die!

It takes lots of work and a very compromised person or group to make something like this go on.
I have used this thread idea long time ago to acomplish the founding of the "VM affiliates" THAT'S WHY I KNOW IT CAN WORK.
It took several month, sometimes you just don´t feel like it´s going to happen.
But you kep going.....

You can check out our success story:
It all started here:
Actual thread going on:

Good luck!

Jafilia VM Affiliates 1.5 RC3 **Build 32** released on April, 17 2010.

Get your own Affiliate Programe Creator and Affiliate Network Manager.
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