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Fixed? PayPal Website Payments Pro

Started by Comenius, February 15, 2006, 05:13:38 AM

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I noticed those log files too and also thought they were pretty weird.  I downloaded the whole archive from the PayPal Developer website, though, so I figured they were the correct files.  In fact, you can sign up for a PayPal Developer account (it's free) and go through their WPP integration guide.  That's where you'll find the link for them.

Anyhoo, sorry I don't have any solid leads!



Hi David,

Ah well. Strange stuff!

Anyway I think I *might* know what the problem is! Or at least it WILL be a problem! When I go to check out, there is no CVV blank. I understand that this is required. Where do I find that in the admin area to enable it? It's not showing under PayPal Website Pro configuration.



OK now I'm just being a pest but the plot thickens. The CVV yes/no option is in the configuration for PayPal Website Payments Pro, it is set to "yes," but it is not showing up for the customer.

Don't know if this is a VM issue or something else. I looked in the database and couldn't find any clues.



The ws_ftp.log file is nothing to be concerned with.  They just used ws_ftp to upload/download the files.  Other files won't see them unless it is specifically listed in the code.  My biggest problem I think when I installed originally was all the Joomla warnings (same in Mambo), I didn't have them all correct like Global Registers.  I made sure everything was 100% on my reinstall.



Hi Pam,

I must admit I hacked the Yes/No CVV thing a bit to get it to work, so it might be a bit flakey to set it from the Admin backend.  To make sure it's set correctly, open up your ps_pdp.cfg.php file and make sure you have the following:

define ('PDP_CHECK_CARD_CODE', 'YES');

That should make the CVV field show up during checkout.  It definitely has to be there, as PayPal won't accept the card without it.



Make sure EVERYTHING(like shown above) is all capitals as I have found out :)  I had YES like Yes, and the software didn't see it and wouldn't show the line and ignored it.


Well guys, thanks... you fixed the CVV part. At first I was so excited. Unfortunately it's still making me go... ACK! As in getack()! Same error. I'll keep plugging away at it.  ;)



Just read in other thread that you must have SSL. Well I was getting around to that but don't have it yet. Could THAT cause the error?




I don't think so.  I'm not using SSL and it's working just fine.



So bummed about this. Can't find what's wrong.

I've been testing in "sandbox" mode. In ps_pdp.cfg.php it looks like this:

define ('PDP_MODE', 'Sandbox');

That is apparently what happens when you choose "test_mode" from the acp. I have a Sandbox acct set up. I thought maybe I'd try it "live" to see if that works. Unfortunately, if I try to switch to "live_mode," it doesn't "take." ps_pdp.cfg.php is chmod 777 and I'm not getting an error when I try to update.

So now the question is, since I can't update it automatically, and if I want to update it directly, what should that "define" line look like? (e.g., what should be there instead of 'Sandbox')

Next question:

The list of requirements on this page include:


Is this automatically there when Pear is installed, or is it something different? How do I check for it?

I realize you're just struggling along like me, but if you have any advice at this point I'm still very appreciative.




Changed the ps_pdp.cfg.php file manually from:

define ('PDP_MODE', 'Sandbox');


define ('PDP_MODE', 'LIVE');

Now when I place an order I get errors! Real errors! No more "getack" attacks!

Unfortunately the errors make no sense. Here's what gets spit out:

Quoteobject(errortype)(9) { ["_elements"]=> array(5) { ["ShortMessage"]=> array(3) { ["required"]=> bool(true) ["type"]=> string(6) "string" ["namespace"]=> string(31) "urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents" } ["LongMessage"]=> array(3) { ["required"]=> bool(false) ["type"]=> string(6) "string" ["namespace"]=> string(31) "urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents" } ["ErrorCode"]=> array(3) { ["required"]=> bool(true) ["type"]=> string(5) "token" ["namespace"]=> string(31) "urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents" } ["SeverityCode"]=> array(3) { ["required"]=> bool(true) ["type"]=> string(16) "SeverityCodeType" ["namespace"]=> string(31) "urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents" } ["ErrorParameters"]=> array(3) { ["required"]=> bool(false) ["type"]=> string(18) "ErrorParameterType" ["namespace"]=> string(31) "urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents" } } ["_attributes"]=> array(0) { } ["_attributeValues"]=> array(0) { } ["_namespace"]=> string(31) "urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents" ["ShortMessage"]=> string(37) "The Billing Address State is invalid." ["LongMessage"]=> string(128) "The field Billing Address State is in an invalid format. For US/CA states and territories, enter a valid two letter state code." ["ErrorCode"]=> string(5) "10751" ["SeverityCode"]=> string(5) "Error" ["ErrorParameters"]=> NULL }
Failure in Processing the Payment:

The field Billing Address State is in an invalid format. For US/CA states and territories, enter a valid two letter state code.
Error: Failure in Processing the Payment (ps_pdp)

Failure in Processing the Payment:

The field Billing Address State is in an invalid format. For US/CA states and territories, enter a valid two letter state code.

I've looked at the name/address info. There isn't a "billing address state" field at all, just a zip code. I'm off to search for a solution. Stay tuned!  :)



Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Dance with me, people!

QuoteThank you for your order.
Your order has been successfully placed!

A confirmation email has been sent to: my@email.address

And I received both the customer and admin emails! Thanks for putting up with my millions of posts.

Note to any others getting "ack attacks" -- I'm guessing you're in test mode and it's not going through the Sandbox properly. I don't know how to make that work (I tried) but you might benefit from looking at my ps_pdp.cfg.php file. I had to take PayPal Pro live:

('_VALID_MOS') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.'); 

define ('PDP_USERNAME''');
define ('PDP_PASSWORD''yourpassword');
define ('PDP_SUBJECT''');
define ('PDP_CERTIFICATE''/home/yoursite/pear/Services/PayPal/cert/cert_key_pem.txt');
define ('PDP_MODE''LIVE'); // Sandbox should be changed here

To test, set up a really cheap product with really cheap shipping since you have to use a real credit card.

Incidentally, as part of my desperate attempt at getting this to work, I wound up installing PEAR outside the site root, as is recommended at the PEAR site. It worked fine. It's supposed to be more secure that way but whether it made a difference as far as functionality I don't know. The important thing is, it worked for me. If anyone wants details, all you have to do is FTP to the directory above public_html or www. Upload pear. Change the path to pear in your .htaccess file. I also stored my store certificate there as you can see above. Done.

I followed Corey's advice and made sure register_globals was off.

So here is the applicable part of my .htaccess file with path to pear and turning register_globals off on a shared host:

php_value include_path ".:/usr/local/lib/php:/home/mysite/pear"
php_flag register_globals off

Finally, if you get errors like I did (previous post) regarding the state billing field, you can change your VM configuration.

Admin -> Configuration -> Global Settings tab. Look for "Frontend Features" and check the box next to "Customers can select a state/region?"

Life is good again!



Great news!  Congratulations!  It sure feels good to get it working, doesn't it?   :)



Hopefully it will be included in the next version of VirtueMart.  Oh and great job you guys.



I have attempted to follow instructions as outlined upon this thread and associated links, but am coming up with a blank page.

Although I have manually modified the CVV to show on the front end, I was having an issue with the PDP_MODE and PDP_CHECK_CARD_CODE until I used all caps. Now this seems to be solved.

('_VALID_MOS') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.'); 

define ('PDP_USERNAME''');
define ('PDP_SUBJECT''');
define ('PDP_CERTIFICATE''/home/u1/XXXXXX/');
define ('PDP_MODE''LIVE');

One place I think I may be going wrong is with the .htaccess file. I am uncertain where I need to referrence the PEAR file or how exactly I must modify it. Would someone be more specific as to what needs to be done here, pleases? Here is what I have:

# @version $Id: htaccess.txt 1570 2005-12-29 05:53:33Z eddieajau $
# @package Joomla
# @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
# @license GNU/GPL
# Joomla! is Free Software

Options +FollowSymLinks

#  mod_rewrite in use

RewriteEngine On

## NOTE!
## When using multiple Joomla sites or other web applications in sub-folders,
## you must explicitly turn the RewriteEngine off or use the settings
## recommended for the application

#  Uncomment following line if your webserver's URL
#  is not directly related to physical file paths.
#  Update YourJoomlaDirectory (just / for root)

RewriteBase /home/u1/XXXXXX/

#  Rules

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|css|js|pl|txt)$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php

Another reason I may have issues with getting this working is because I do not have the proper permissions set to the proper files and/or folders. If someone be more specific as to what needs to be done here, I should be able to get it going. Thanks for your help.