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Which component to use to customize the emails sent by VirtueMart?

Started by bindcommerce, April 17, 2023, 10:49:18 AM

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Good morning, the developer of the VP Email Manager Plugin has informed us that starting from VirtueMart version 3.8.0 and higher, user registration emails with activation cannot be managed and sent by their Plugin due to a VirtueMart 4 bug with Joomla 4.

We would like to know which external component can be used to customize VirtueMart emails, and if it's not possible with an external component, we would appreciate a suggestion on how to do it with the VirtueMart core.

Thank you, we look forward to your response.


We update for VM4 component - VirtueMart Mailing Manager, we use on our 20 shops for J3/VM3, but I don't know when finished - we have etc 120 pluigin for Joomla, VirtueMart, acymailing, PhocaCart.
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