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VM 4.0.7 10730 can't be installed properly on J4

Started by patbe60, October 28, 2022, 18:23:39 PM

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When I set up a complet new Joomla 4.2.4 and try to install VM (also 10722) I get an internal server error. The name of my database is "test". the __virtuemart_configs table is not installed. I get the following error messages:
JInstaller: :Install: Can't find Joomla XML setup file.
JInstaller: :Install: Can't find XML setup file.
Table 'test.lobj_virtuemart_configs' doesn't exist (In my opinion the tabele should be called only lobj_virtuemart_configs)

I don't know how many times I deinstalled Joomla 4 and its database and started from the top. I always get these error messages. Same problem also with Joomla 4.2.3. The vm_ext_aio installation works without problems.
I had no problem to update my (local) website from J3 to J4 with a properly working VM. Simply fresh install doesn't work.


It seems like your server has a limitation in that, it can only extract or create archives with less files than your OS's file handle limit.
Unpack the package and install everything separately


I didn't install the package, only and


Have you tried installing previous versions? is the problem identical?
Use Joomla's Install from /tmp directory


Yes , I tried with 10722 and 10720. Without success.


I believe you have limitations on the server
In the folder /tmp create the folder /tmp/virtuemart there, add the unzipped Virtuemart files and try to install



I started again from the top. No chance. Why is it looking for a table called test.lobj_virtuemart_configs??

Table 'test.lobj_virtuemart_configs' doesn't exist

"test" is the name of the database. "lobj_" is the prefix. The name of the table should be only lobj_virtuemart_configs. And this is the table which is missing in the database. As far as I can see all other tables exist in the Joomla database.


This table should be created after installation and configuration

This package should install. I also have Joomla 4. What are your server parameters?
You can also install it in another way. A bit dumb, but it will work 100%.
Place the virtual machine folders and files on the server as they should be created after installation.
Then, in the Joomla panel, perform the detection of noninstalled components  ;)


I did find an other solution: I imported the lobj_virtuemart_configs table from an other Joomla test Installation. And now it works. VM is installed properly. But I think there is a problem with this table in general.


Unfortunately, that's the way it is with this Virtuemart. Milbo nonstop keeps telling me that everything is fine with VM. It's such an enchanted component - he likes but not everyone   ;D


The J4 compatible VM versions can't be installed on any Joomla!

It works fine with VM 3.8.8 on J3 but doesn't work with newer versions.


Hello Patbe60, many thanks for this bug report. Installation of a fresh joomla was indeed broken, no problems with updating or using the installation routine. This is fixed now

Quote from: hazael on October 28, 2022, 19:46:05 PM
Unfortunately, that's the way it is with this Virtuemart. Milbo nonstop keeps telling me that everything is fine with VM. It's such an enchanted component - he likes but not everyone   ;D
You got already some nice hints with the fence from other members. I know Patbe60 for years now, he is a very good bug reporter :-). In your case it is so, that you missed a very important rule, always verify the bug first on vanilla installation, before writing a bug report and if you still write a bug report, then at least mention that your system is not vanilla.
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