Problem w."Users waiting to be notified when this product is back in stock" list

Started by, August 27, 2022, 18:40:00 PM

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Hello developers,

I noticed that, in the case there were products previously out of stock, and they were set to show the "Notify me" button when out of stock, and there gathered a list of customers wanting to be notified when the product is out of stock again,
that list is visible only when the product still has set "Displays 'Notify Me' instead of 'Add To Cart' button" on "Action when a Product is Out of Stock" setting.
If that option is changed to another one, the waitinglist is not displayed.
I think it should not depend on the "Action when a Product is Out of Stock" setting, and, in the case there is a waiting list for that product, it should be displayed all the time, otherwise the store admin would not see the list and would not notify those customers (-> possible losses etc.).

Thank you for your attention.


in /administrator/com_virtuemart/views/product/product_edit_customer.php :

line 33:

if (/*$stockhandle != 'disableadd' or*/ empty($this->waitinglist)) {

line 112:

<?php if /*($stockhandle == 'disableadd' &&*/ !empty($this->waitinglist)) { ?>

(after previously making a copy of the original file(s))

(VM 3.8.9 10622)