EU VAT CHECKER customer assignment to the correct customer group

Started by ec83, March 01, 2022, 15:42:29 PM

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Hello, i have a problem with the iStraxx EU VAT CHECKER extension which allows the store to assign the customer to the "Pay VAT" or "Do not pay VAT" group when creating the account.
I followed the documentation and i did a test of adding the VAT of the seller on his profile Shop/Customer information and the VAT number is well controlled and tested via the site So on that side we are good.

When i test the creation of the customer account, whether or not i fill in the VAT field, the customer will be systematically assigned to the Pay VAT group (see plugin config in pj in the customer form). Moreover when i start to enter the VAT number the company name is mandatory while the option is checked on no in the plugin (require company name).

I have the iStraxx EU VAT CHECKER plugin in its latest version (1.6.4 May 2021) on a Virtuemart 3.8.8.x and Joomla 3.10.6.
Do you have an idea ?

Thank you in advance


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Thanks jenkinhill,

I had not seen on the Virtuemart site that there was support with ticket management;). I just emailed...
As soon as I have some answers I will share them on the forum.

Have a good day.


I haven't been able to get a response from support yet... The ticket is about ten days old. If someone has an idea.

I thought I only tested this extension locally, maybe that's the reason. As it is necessary to link a domain to the license ...

Thank you