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Virtuemart Shop in German language

Started by mckater, July 01, 2021, 14:40:06 PM

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Is there a possibility to switch Virtuemart to German Language?

Only everything that concerns the shop would be important for me and the customers.

Otherwise I have to rewrite everything with overrides, and that is a lot of work.
If possible, of course, I leave Joomla in English.

I've already done the work with the overrides on another page in German, can I import these overrides?

VM version: 3.8.8 10472



Uhhm, It may be possible, but there are a lot of text that is used both by Joomla and VM. Never tried something like that.
It is probably easier to add german language for both VM and Joomla.

Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.

Studio 42

I quick solution is to replace all virtuemart english ini files with the german files


Replace the content of the english ini files with german content or rename the german files with the english language names.

Just replacing the files does not make the language change :)

Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.

Studio 42

Hi jorgen,
in the messafe, i read
"I've already done the work with the overrides on another page in German, can I import these overrides?"
It's why i supposed, he want replace English language Keys