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Search Product field placement

Started by KnownToWork, October 10, 2017, 23:33:49 PM

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Hello there,

I have a question that might have been asked before many times. Using the search fucntion however I could only find solutions applying to old versions of virtuemart.

My (simple) goal is to place the search field next to the menu.

I understand that I simply want to add the float: right; instruction to the css. I seem not be able to find the correct definition for this field though.
My guess was the vm-ltr-site.css file and there .virtuemart_search .inputbox{
However, no matter what I put in that, nothing changes on my site (after clearing cache). Even if I put some very bad instructions in that would be vissible for sure. So I guess I have to look somewhere else.
Can you tell me where this would be?
Thanks in advance!

I am sorry about this noobish question.


Start with

But this is not really a VirtueMart question.  The VirtueMart search module can be placed wherever you have a suitable user position within your Joomla template. If a suitable holder is not present then edit the your template's index.php to include a position.   You will find instructions here:

To check & test css required to relocate a page element use a tool like Firebug.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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