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Nested children products

Started by Krx, December 23, 2016, 14:18:32 PM

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Hi Patrick

Yeah you was right. Both products offer similar features but each in own way.
And I already familiarized with other one.

Also regarded to GUI not being user friendly, let me rephrase:
I've built a TON of Joomla websites for various clients. What I've learned is that majority of them have old computers or laptops with really small screens.
When working on 27'' like myself its easy to assume that all users have big screens but reality is different - their screens are tiny.
That's why I nitpick about UI. Other component simply offers more condensed UI,
which I find more usable when trying to deal with many products.

Current trend in GUI industry is - Occupy as much space as possible. Make everything big.
Although it looks nice, it's very often contra-productive especially in online shopping branch
where users HATE their jobs with passion.
They HATE editing their shops, they HATE that they need to be forced in a front of computers instead of for example - looking at nice girls/boys or simply being away from work.
That's why UI for shops needs to be as polished/usable/condensed/functional as possible.
I built many shops for users by using Zencart, Opencart, Mijoshop (Opencart for Joomla), i used Virtuemart long time ago ditched it when they had problems in Joomla 1-2-3 transition
and returned again to VM. And all clients said same thing: I don't like to edit my shop, but it's necessary evil :)



Thank you for returning to VM. :-)

The GUI is a big field and there is enough todo with the core and all that. We enhance also the BE GUI, added more and more sorteable columns, filters and so on. The currenct vm3.0.18.9_ has even colors for the different order status in the order listing. I also invested some days to make the tables small as possible so that they fit at least most time to 1024px screens.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:

Studio 42

Max, use bootstrap class for this; currently, it seems that none check for the compatibility excluding bootstrap 2 and 3 for the admin side.
Simply try to change the admin template to hathor, no chance to nhave a right render seens Joomla 3.4.


Sorry - I largely contributed to the hijacking.... :/
For my question about POSForWebshops's impact (or lack of) when bulk modifying products' categories - do you have a forum or thread somewhere where I can elaborate? or is this forum the right place for that ?
(je ne suis pas certain que POS va répondre à mes questions la-dessus - mais à chq essai, une fois que j'ouvre et je sauvegarde le produit impacté, la modif est prise en compte dans le POS : même si le produit n'est pas modifié, juste ouvert et sauvegardé...)

Studio 42

Quote from: aftertaf on February 08, 2017, 12:51:19 PM
Sorry - I largely contributed to the hijacking.... :/
For my question about POSForWebshops's impact (or lack of) when bulk modifying products' categories - do you have a forum or thread somewhere where I can elaborate? or is this forum the right place for that ?
(je ne suis pas certain que POS va répondre à mes questions la-dessus - mais à chq essai, une fois que j'ouvre et je sauvegarde le produit impacté, la modif est prise en compte dans le POS : même si le produit n'est pas modifié, juste ouvert et sauvegardé...)
If you speak french, perhaps is better you use, if you need to fix something about POSForWebshops then they can perhaps help you directly ?
Note that for the feature request, it's better you use "ask a question" in my product page,  or reply using your order email.