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SOLVED: Product Category view in backend, broken after 3.0.18 update?

Started by Henrik Holm Nielsen, November 28, 2016, 15:02:32 PM

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Henrik Holm Nielsen


I just updated from 3.0.16 til 3.0.18 on a copy of a live site, and after the update the view of the Product Categories kinda broke :(
We've tried deleting browser cache, switch browser, use different computer, but all with same result.

Does anyone else experience this? We're using J3.6.4 with PHP 5.5.38 for the site.

Check attachment below to see the problem.


PS. Searched the forum before posting, but could not find anything related to issues in backend.
PSS. No backend overrides created on this install.
/Zorroson :)
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List of the changes in VM3.0.18 was written in  - nobody has reported a layout issue like yours, and 3.0.18 was released over two months ago.

Many of us are now using in live shops so maybe install that - on a backup copy of the site, of course.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

Henrik Holm Nielsen

Thanx for your prompt response!

The update I installed was 3.0.18 - so I'm gonna try if makes any diffence! Have to admit, I missed there was even released a xxx.5 version of the update.
If not, i'm gonna try transfer the install to a different server with PHP 7.x and check if that makes a difference.

I'll report back after this :)

/Zorroson :)
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18.5 is a dev version, but to me it is more stable than 18.0
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

Henrik Holm Nielsen

I'm sure 18.5 is more stable - however with this specific issue, it made no difference over 3.0.18 :(
And i've just tried again, to copy the 3.0.16 site to another server (local MAMP this time) and the updating to - but same result...!

Looks fine with 3.0.16 but not on with no other modifications than updating VM.
Could it be some sort of conflict with other extensions?

Also now tried with PHP 5.6 and 7.08 - same result....

Gonna try disabling as many plugins/extensions as possible, to see if this makes a difference.

/Zorroson :)
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Henrik Holm Nielsen

Found it....!

The client is managing this site himself, and he has a bad habit using tables in every piece of editable description/text he can find.
In this case, he also used tables in the Product Category descriptions - and for some reasone 3.0.18.x is not able to handle this :(

Don't bother telling me, how stupid it is using tables, in a bootstrap template - I fully realise this. However - despite me having told him 25 times not to use tabels, he keeps doing it....

This time though, it just cost him 5 hours a extra consultancy.....

Thanx for your time - appreciate it!

/Zorroson :)
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Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum