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Migration J 2.5 to 3.x and VM 2.6.14 to 3.x

Started by lostmail, June 26, 2016, 11:28:22 AM

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My Migration was rather successful but I have a problem with the cart checkout.
When I put something in the cart and than push the "buy" button I got an error message:

Quote1062 - Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' SQL=INSERT INTO `#__virtuemart_shipment_plg_weight_countries` (`id`,`virtuemart_order_id`,`order_number`,`virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id`,`shipment_name`,`order_weight`,`shipment_weight_unit`,`shipment_cost`,`shipment_package_fee`,`tax_id`,`created_on`,`created_by`,`modified_on`,`modified_by`) VALUES ('0','940','WS4J0917','1','<span class=\"vmshipment_name\">Paketversand DPD (versichert bis 520,00 €)</span><span class=\"vmshipment_description\">Inland > 5 kg</span>','3.2','KG','5.04','','1','2016-06-26 09:43:45','62','2016-06-26 09:43:45','62')

Any idea what could be wrong ?

Tha last order nr. is f6600913 with the ID 936 - why does Vm try to insert an id "0" ???

VirtueMart VirtueMart 4.4.0 11095 | Joomla 5.x | PHP 8.3 | Vp_neoteric 1.6


I also had the same issue after my migration.
The problem for me at least was that certain tables had been duplicated.
Find the ID for the duplicate, and remove it. I deleted the wrong table first... lol, but had a backup.


Also, is your Database table structure up to date?

Extensions > Manage > Database > Fix (if structure needs updating).
This is the first this you should try, and the most simple action.


Quote from: dslove on July 15, 2016, 10:31:46 AM
Also, is your Database table structure up to date?

Extensions > Manage > Database > Fix (if structure needs updating).
This is the first this you should try, and the most simple action.

The idea is right, but the command is wrong. We added a database update tool loong before joomla. Please use the vm updater within the vm tools section.
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