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SEF 404 errors Virtuemart 2.66

Started by Pablo, September 18, 2014, 00:07:44 AM

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Hello, I am having issues when SEO is enabled in Virtuemart. If I disable SEO in Virtuemart, all works correctly.

SEF 404 Virtuemart 2.66

Joomla 2.5.24

Multilingual site (English-Spanish)

SEO Settings
Search Engine Friendly URLs: Yes
Use URL rewriting: Yes  (with .htaccess)
Adds Suffix to URL: No
Unicode Aliases: No

Virtuemart 2.6.6
SEO Settings
SEO Disabled: (not checked)
Seo Suffix: -detail
Translate Strings: (not checked)
Use Product and Category IDs: (not checked)

My test site url is:

This also seems to be causing customers NOT being able to view placed orders clicking order number under "List orders" in "My account" menu. This menu is active when logged in on the far upper right. When I try to access the order by clicking the order number through "My Account", I get a 404 error. If I click the Order Number link in the confirmation email, I see order as I do when SEO is turned off....

Been reading the helpful forum articles. Have tried removing templates, and it doesn't seem to be a template issue. I have Jquery installed which seems to be taking care of conflicts. And have also read a few posts about menu conflicts..-- and these were really confusing for me... :-\

I could n´t say exactly when it started happening but all worked well before the last two updates (with SEO "on" in Virtuemart). Other issues that have come up after latest updates are: Fancybox (selected in virtuemart) not working when clicking "Ask a question about this product. And issues with customer reviews. I believe these are Jquery/Mootools issues not related to my main concern but it works correctly with SEO OFF). Just thought I´d mention as other symptoms of my sites current condition.

I look forward to hearing the forum´s wise advice.

Thank you


VirtueMart is designed to use Joomla's own native SEF system and it works very well. So there is no point in using a bloated third party component and then asking why it does not work properly.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thanks for your quick reply jenkinhill,

I agree, that is why I have opted to finally seek assistance.

Could you be more specific?...What "bloated third party component" are you referring to? T3?

If removing a component that is causing the problem is the fix, I´ll be more than happy to set up the site without it and give it a try.

Thanks once again....


Maybe I misread what you are asking.  Looks like a question about sh404SEF?  VM does not need that component.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Sorry, maybe I over explained my issue.

I do not use sh404SEF. I am encountering 404 error when trying to access a placed order in my account.

Here is a step by step example of the problem...

Virtuemart SEF enabled with above settings (initial post)

1. Registered user places confirmed order. #30580967
2. Registered user receives confirmation email with invoice and button that links to order. (example) Clicking this button works fine regardless whether Virtuemart SEF is enabled or not
3. Registered user accesses his Virtuemart user account page to view previous orders
4. Registered user clicks "List orders" tabs and a list of orders comes up
5. Registered user clicks order number (#30580967) from list and 404 error comes up. = 404 error

If I turn Virtuemart SEF off, all works correctly.

Thank you!


I have this problem.
Somebody has an idea?

Joomla 2.5.28 VM 2.6.14