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Product links are very large

Started by kfranklin1972, April 02, 2014, 20:42:52 PM

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Q1: I finally finished my migration and moving to the live site j1.5 to j2.5 and VM1 to VM2.

How do I change the font size on the product link you select to basically see product details before adding to cart.

I have VM2 that was migrated using Vmigrator and also purchased OnePage CheckOut. 

Q2: I'm looking to find a replacement for VMJ Color Plus that works with j2.5 and VM2?

[attachment cleanup by admin]


The product titles are being styled by your Joomla template. To work out what css sto change use Firebug.

Although VM2 is easy to style yourself with a little css and use of template overrides, have a look through our third party devloper section for some template & themes that may suit.  and also on
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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