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Manufacturer links not showing products

Started by pantsuk, March 18, 2014, 19:04:27 PM

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I have a site based on Joomla! 2.5.19 and Virtuemart 2.0216d

The site is

I hope I have posted this in the right section please forgive if i have not but please reply if you can help

Since adding a new manufacturer on Saturday none of the manufacturer links  lead to a display of products either from the top menu "brands" link (which i have currently turned off due to this problem) of from the brand slider on the home page

When a manufacturer link is clicked now all I get for any manufacturer (brand) is the following message "Message: No record found  Go to the Home Page: Home Page"

If a search is done for a manufacturer in the search box on the home page the products show up but not using the usual manufacturer page

Before I turned off the menu link I called "Brands"  clicking on a manufactuer took you to the manufacturers page showing the logo and text write up but the link to show all the manufacturers products gave the same error result

A screen grab is attached showing the page for a manufacturer

I have looked for settings that might be wrong in Virtuemart and Joomla (I am a bit of a newbie so i might have missed something)

I am using the template VP Supermart I did ask for help on the template forum and got a reply telling me it is not a template issue it must be a VM or Joomla issue

My site has been working well until this issue and I really need some help to fix this

[attachment cleanup by admin]


There is an update to the manufacturer product display for the next VM2.6 version. Test with pre-release/development version 2.5.4 on a copy of your site.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Please report your experience here, test also pagination and different ordering options :-)
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


i am not experienced enough to test a new version

I simply want to find out how to fix the problem in my current version

If use inspect element in chrome i see that there is "no product container" where manufacturer products should show

I seems that my problem is a corrupt manufacturer module in some way

Is there a way I an reinstall just the manufacturer module?

Or can i reinstall the whole virtuemart 2.026d without losing all my data?


Tonight tried something I went to Extension manager and went to Virtuemart Manufacturers I checked the box on the left and clicked Refresh Cache I got the following result

Failed loading XML file
XML: Opening and ending tag mismatch: fieldset line 61 and config
XML: Opening and ending tag mismatch: fields line 60 and extension
XML: Premature end of data in tag config line 59
XML: Premature end of data in tag extension line 3
Failed loading XML file
XML: Opening and ending tag mismatch: fieldset line 61 and config
XML: Opening and ending tag mismatch: fields line 60 and extension
XML: Premature end of data in tag config line 59
XML: Premature end of data in tag extension line 3
XML: Opening and ending tag mismatch: fieldset line 61 and config
XML: Opening and ending tag mismatch: fields line 60 and extension
XML: Premature end of data in tag config line 59
XML: Premature end of data in tag extension line 3

Can you help me to fix this please I need to urgently get my store working again I am getting no orders at all since this problem started


Sounds like you need to re-install the VM aio component, byt just to be sure I'd reinstall both VM components. Use Joomla's extensions manager installer. YOur data does not get overwritten, but as ever, test this on a backup copy of your site, as should be done with all updates.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thank you very much for your advice

I set up a test server uploaded the latest backup (1 day old) and reinstalled vM 2.026d and VM aio but this has not fixed my problem  I am no longer getting the error messages above so its progress

I am now completely lost

all of a manufacturers products show when a search is done on the manufacturer using the site search box , but when licking on the manufacturer link from the manufacturers list page (allbrands) on my test site the link just still shows the error as if no data is being delivered to (according to chrome) there is"no products container" on the page all other modules seen to be ok and all other links are working

Any further help you can offer will be very very welcome


On a VM 2.0.27 test site I can reproduce that if VirtueMart SEO is enabled and Joomla 'Search Engine Friendly URLs' are disabled. The manufacturer's products show again if I enable Joomla SEF URLs again.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thank you for your advice I set up a copy of my site on a test server  uploaded VM2.5.4 and the not showing products when clicking on a manufacturer seems to have fixed the problem

But now if i try to create or edit a manufacturer or change a payment method  i get the following red message in the admin section

vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

Then below that i get

Manufacturer (or payment method) successfully saved

But in fact nothing has saved


In my VM 2.5.4 test version I have not yet been able to reproduce your "vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias."
What is the manufacturer name and it's Manufacturer Sef Alias? Perhaps there is a problem with a special character?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


The problem occurs when adding a new manufacturer, editing an existing manufacturer, it  also happens when adding or deiting a product category  and adding or editing a payment method

it does not happen when adding or editing a product, a customer, a custom field or a product image

The problem happens if the sef alias field is left empty and it also happens if an sef alias is entered no special characeters have been used deliberately in any of the entries


Does your problem go away if you click on 'Tools & Migration' > 'Install or if necessary update tables' and eventually click also on the 'Update VM-plugin tables' at 'Components > virtuemart-aio?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I tried your suggestion unfortunately this makes no difference at all

I would like to say thank you for all of the advice you guys are giving me I really appreciate it


The SEF alias you enter is just lower case letters with the only other character being a hyphen if needed? No other characters?
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


If I try to add a new manufacturer by clicking the + icon I enter Test Brand as the Manufacture in the field Manufacturer Name then I enter test as the Manufacturer Sef Alias associate it with a manufacturer category enter a description and then hit save all that happens is i get the following two contradictory messages at the top of the page

vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.
Manufacturer successfully saved

and a blank manufacturer page. The same happens on payment methods etc

I am completely lost with this issue, If I go back to the previous installed version of 2.016d the problem does not happen but I m back to the missing product details that I started this thread with