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State/Province dropdown not working. NetworkError.

Started by l3b3r, July 12, 2013, 01:43:59 AM

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I see other threads on here with a state/province dropdown issue but I think mine is a little different.  Those all mentioned jquery issues but I think mine is due to a database issue.  I'm not too technical so bare with me.

After selecting a country, any country, the state/province dropdown won't display any states or provinces.  Select is the only option.  In firebug I get the error:
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -"
as seen in the screenshot below.  My database does correctly show the country id's though so I am a little stumped. 

Any help is appreciated!


Sorry to bump this but I don't want to continue working on the site until I get this resolved.  Any help is appreciated.




are you using a 3rd party sef component?

it appears that the url is being overwritten


That's what I was thinking so I had tried disabling sh404sef but it didn't help.  Maybe I need to uninstall completely.  I will try that shortly.