Meta keywords per product and category worth the time?

Started by lindapowers, February 26, 2013, 18:06:01 PM

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Maxim Pishnyak

Quote from: lindapowers on March 07, 2013, 14:15:30 PM
Do you really want a small company to manage 4 databases?
Actually you made a good and interesting point, Lindapowers. Let's think could it be too hard.

I could imagine that in some cases managment stage could be ended when 4 csv files with two columns will be uploaded into 4 eshop.
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Maxim Pishnyak

Could this thing be useful for multilanguage web stores? I'm meaning VirtualDomain. This stuff allows to split multilanguage content to different domains.
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Quote from: Maxim Pishnyak on May 05, 2013, 09:21:55 AM
Any time we could move to the thread about Meta keywords created by you. It's the only topic where discussion about multilingual seo was happened.

Also I'm feeling a bit alone there cos I posted in that thread two last posts and you didn't replied still.
Quote from: lindapowers on May 03, 2013, 13:34:05 PM
All your sites will be treated as independent websites which will require their own SEO staring from 0.
SEO for one language part of project is based on the methods for choosen language only. In other words you wouldn't advertise french part of online shop at english web sites.

But French website is linked to English brother and vica versa. Isn't this not helpful at all?
Quote from: lindapowers on May 03, 2013, 13:34:05 PMIf you have a good site ranked in a language it will help you already adding the rest of the language text...
What is better for SEO: have language flags to be linked to the mainpages or to the relevant translated pages? The usefullness of second option must to be more important than having own domen by each language part.
Quote from: lindapowers on May 03, 2013, 13:34:05 PM
I still believe you are wrong...
Really I saw many times that web site subfolders ( /en /fr and other numerous non-language /prefixes) lose SEO battle vs web sites who have landing page equal to main page.

But it's me. You could have another experience.

Any time you could check how your project competitors with different prefixes are successful in google results for choosen language.


I reply you here, lets see.

If you send a sitemap for each language with the appropiate language prefix at the URL google will understand how to index your languages in, etc

With the core translation they are actually linked, you have menu assignments for that (except in products unless you have a menu published for each one, something I already commented in another post).

When you say "What is better SEO: have language flags to be linked to the mainpages or to the relevant translated pages?"

I guess is better to the relevant translated page but actually I don't think that affects SEO as this is only a navigation issue for users but don't you think is better than the actual page im watching gets translated instead of redirecting me to the homepage?

I think language prefixs are always better than then method you comment but is just a matter of opinion based on the experience of everyone.

If you made a website how are people gonna know that there is another website in spanish? with a link in a spanish flag that takes them to a different website?

+ the already mentioned management of individual websites and databases instead of one and the fact that the SEO work and marketing SEO (sorry dont know the word in english) would have to be done in each different website while having them all at one domain could help each other.



The general perception regarding Meta tag keywords remains that they are important for any website. This is the reason why most SEO experts put a lot of effort into selecting the right Meta keywords for a webpage in a bid to get it ranked higher by Google. From the outside looking in, it does appear as though the Meta information provided is crucial to determining your website's search engine ranking. Here is a good article about this:

Maxim Pishnyak

Quote from: OliverWuhrl on July 10, 2013, 15:32:24 PM
Here is a good article about this:
And you didn't read this good article till its end!
QuoteGoogle has changed its search algorithm considerably since then.
After that sentence idea of article author become very different, check it youself.
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Meta keywords have been demoted from rankings for years - they were too easy to spam.

If you wish to know more about general seo trends I find this site very useful

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