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Categories on homepage - still an issue ...

Started by james.webbuddy, November 14, 2012, 21:30:50 PM

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Hello all,

I am using Joomla 2.5.8 with Virtuemart 2.0.14 (just upgraded without error).

I have read the posts on hiding/deleting the categories off the homepage, and they did not work for me.

I tried switiching it off on the Virtuemart configuration page -  didn't work

I tried creating a new template (new-default.php) and removing the php line that was calling the categories and assigned the new template in configuration panel - did not work

The url is

I am not too bad programming wise, so looking for help and not expecting someone to fix it for me.

Many thanks !


james, have you tried doing a layout override of the main page?

what is your mainpage set to?

and do you have layout overrides in place now? It looks like you do. So edit THAT override


Hi Pro,

wow that was quick ... forgive my stupidity ...

i tried following the instructions in that link (earlier) to no avail ...

that was changing ...components/com_virtuemart/tmpl/default.php - that didn't do anything, so I put back the original default.php (Plus I have 'use Virtuemart CSS' switched OFF at global configuration in VM2.

The instruction was to 'Open the view folder you want to change' - I am not sure WHAT view folder I want to change - Firebug doesn't highlight that whole block, just each individual line.

So based on that forum post - I also tried taking the default.php file from
.../templates/vmbright-blue/html/com_virtuemart/virtuemart and changing it
- taking "if ($this->categories and VmConfig::get('show_categories', 1)) echo $this->loadTemplate('categories');" out of the file, re-saving it as new-default.php and in the templates tab in VM config, changing the Virtuemart homepage layout to 'new-default', but still nothing...

I guess, where I am looking for help is in identifying if in fact I am changing the right file ...



what happens when you save as "default" and switch back in your config to be "default"


what is the "menu" link set to?   vmart default layout?