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I need Spanish for Virtuemart 2.0.10

Started by Turito, September 29, 2012, 09:43:15 AM

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Hi all ...

Anyone can help me ... Spanish language need to virtuemart 2.0.10 and I can not find ... as is that files you download from Virtuemart contains almost all languages ​​except Spanish as this is possible. someone has it and could afford me a favor and download it ....
thanks :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[



Spanish is included in the AIO component. You don't need to install it.


yes, I had installed it :)
but the name of the countries are in English :( any solution?


There is no spanish version of the file 'en-GB.com_virtuemart_countries.ini' yet. You can copy the content of the file into Google translator and use the result to produce a spanish language version. Then copy your 'es-ES.com_virtuemart_countries.ini' into the folder ...\administrator\language\es-ES. Make shure you save the file encoded as "UTF-8 without BOM". (If your editor doesn't do this, you may install the free editor "Notepad++" on your PC)
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


tkank you. It's a pity to do it manually...  :-\

it works!  ;D


If you can upload your translated file here, I can download and add it to the VM2 files for the next release.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I only need to translate Spain and I had disabled the other countries. I'm sorry.


It's strange. I want to rename some traductions. For example, in Spain the mobile phone is called 'Móvil' not 'Teléfono celular'. I had seen this is: COM_VIRTUEMART_SHOPPER_FORM_PHONE2 and it's in es-ES.com_virtuemart.ini in /public_html/administrator/language/es-ES
I had modified it but nothing happens


Quote from: Herchi on October 01, 2012, 12:36:40 PM
I had modified it but nothing happens

That's the file for the backend (administration) views. If you want to change it in the frontend, you have do replace the string in public_html\language\es-ES\es-ES.com_virtuemart.ini

...but it's better to copy the line, place it in the Joomla language override folder and change it there, so it doesn't get overwritten with the next VM2 update.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thank you. I hope future versions will have a option to change this values easily.


Initially I thought you want all country names in Spanish. If you just want España instead of Spain in the country list, you could also just go to VM2 'Configuration' - 'Countries' and change the "Country Reference Name" there.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


people in other post had said it to me yet.

thanks for the support.


I translated all countries into Spanish. I have translated the names based on the recommendations of the Royal Spanish Academy (Real Academia Española) and Panhispanic dictionary of doubts (Diccionario panhispánico de dudas). I attach es-ES.com_virtuemart_countries.ini, feel free to include it in the next VirtueMart release.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Quote from: javi on May 09, 2013, 13:42:32 PM
I translated all countries into Spanish. I have translated the names based on the recommendations of the Royal Spanish Academy (Real Academia Española) and Panhispanic dictionary of doubts (Diccionario panhispánico de dudas). I attach es-ES.com_virtuemart_countries.ini, feel free to include it in the next VirtueMart release.
thank you


It is already included in Transifex, we did it long time ago.

The problem is that VM doesnt include the latest language packages with the releases (dont know why)

Each time I had to go to a url (which btw i cant find now) that included the latest updates for languages.

A lot has been corrected and change in the spanish one at least, as I did it myself, lots of fun!