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No email sent at all after the customer paid his order

Started by gp, March 06, 2012, 02:59:05 AM

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I'm using VirtueMart 2.0.0 on Joomla 1.7.5.

Once my customer has paid his order (via PayPal) no email is sent to the customer neither to me (the admin).

What's wrong?



I have the same problem but i didnot took any clear answer yet. The only solution that i have given is to upgrade to 2.0.2. At least for me its not an option. So the question is still revelant!!!


I had to customize the php code to get it the way I needed. So, upgrading to 2.0.2 just for fun is not an option for me neither. However, if I would be sure that this update will fix this issue,  I would be ready to install this update then redo all my customization after it.

Do you know if this update really fix this problem?

Thanks anyway.


You should upgrade i think as many errors has been solved since 2.0.0.

In case of sending mail: all is working in good order in VM 2.0.2 but ONLY if you are the only admin and vendor/supplier.

If some else is vendor they wont get e.mails. f.a. i built a VM shop for a customer so i am admin. I created an account for my customer and made him vendor and admin. Also "sent system e.mails" is activated with his account.  Problem: i still get the system e.mails and my customer doesn't get them.

I am looking for a solution but uptill now didn't find it. So if someone can help me i will be very thankfull.

Kind regards
Please visit my website for all your graphic webdesign, Joomla websites and serverhosting.


Does this functionality exist at all in version 2.0.0?

If not, would it be difficult to patch in?


I am having the same problem in 2.0.4 .. ant solution yet?



this problems seems to be bigger as we thought.

General: i solved e.mail matter by switching accounts. I gave my customer my account and i took his account. Afcource changed names etc and all works fine. So if the person who should receive the e.mails has account nr 42 (standard first account nr of joomla) than all works in good order.

But a new problem arised:

If you use online payments VM such as iDEAL or Paypal than still e.mail confirmation to customer and vendor still doesn't work. Only offline payments work if you follow as i suggested here before. This is a major problem and not only related to VM and/or iDEAL Paypall. I understood from the makers of iDEAL that they together with VM are investigating this problem right now.

If i know something i will inform you. Afcource if Virtuemart themselves want to react here, they are welcome to do so.

If you are Dutch you can find more information here:


Kind regards

Please visit my website for all your graphic webdesign, Joomla websites and serverhosting.

Robert V.

Got the same problem with 2.0.6.

However I'm sure it's in the ideal.php that is being used. The ideal check out i'm using is probably the only one around that is free of charge.
It is only about 500 bytes, but the install adds sth to the database (the joomla_extensions table) and accesses it with the following code....

      Let us help you to create a suitable configuration file for your iDEAL Checkout plug-in.
      Go to:

   // Bank Layout Code
   $aSettings['LAYOUT_CODE'] = '12345';   //sample number

   // Basic gateway settings
   $aSettings['GATEWAY_NAME'] = 'BANKNAME - iDEAL';
   $aSettings['GATEWAY_WEBSITE'] = '';
   $aSettings['GATEWAY_METHOD'] = 'ideal-bankname';
   $aSettings['GATEWAY_VALIDATION'] = true;

Now my question is:

How to get the standard ideal plugin (../plugins/vmpayment/idealcheckoutideal.php) into this one to send an email only when the payment is confirmed???
Whenever i'm trying to add sth. to this php code there is no connection to ideal at all...

Can anyone help pls???

Kind regards and hoping of a reply


I got my idealcheckout plugin sending confirmation e-mails again after changing the following in line 307 of /plugins/vmpayment/idealcheckoutideal/idealcheckoutideal.php
(using Virtuemart 2.0.8 and Joomla 2.5.6)

$aOrder['customer_notified'] = 0;


$aOrder['customer_notified'] = 1;

After this change is seems that the function updateStatusForOneOrder is sending out the e-mails to customer and vendor.

Marco Legemaate

Robert V.

Thanx marcolegemaate, this works! Got only 1 problem to solve now -> This fix is causing the following error notice:

Notice: Undefined offset: 77 in /site/libraries/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 22984

I'll get into this problem; like how to turn this message off


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

Robert V.

Thank you jenkinhill

That did the trick  8) ;D

Well i think this is solved now. Should we close this topic????