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Mega Product to show many products and many categories on the homepage

Started by smartaddons, August 19, 2013, 04:58:29 AM

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 Do you like a module which can show many categories with their products on your shop? SJ VM Mega Products II has been released for this purpose. With 4 themes and many features, you easy to choose a theme of the module to show many products and many categories on the homepage.

With this module, you can show title, description and price to customers... in the theme which you want to show. About source of data, you can choose presentation many categories on various tabs.


1.    Support Joomla 1.5, Joomla 1.7 and Joomla 2.5
2.    Support all browsers (IE7+, FireFox, Chrome, Safari, Opera)
3.    Allow to sort order product by: best sale, feature, latest, random, ordering, price
4.    Support to limit the number product in each category
5.    Allow to change width of module
6.    Allow to change max length of titles, descriptions
7.    Allow to use/remove HTML code
8.    Allow to add link for titles/images
9.    Allow to custom URL
10.    Allow to set open link with: New Window/Same Window/Popup
11.    Allow to show/disable prices
12.    Support many modes for resizing images
13.    You can change width/height of small and large thumbnails
14.    You can change color for title or description of products
15.    You can change color of thumbnail background
16.    Support caching

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