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Help with UPS for vm2.0

Started by bryanatquantus, May 01, 2012, 22:32:52 PM

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I am using Joomla 2.5 with Vm2 and the latest release of the UPS plugin. My client is waiting on the shipping module to function correctly in order to take his site live, and when I go through the checkout process there are no shipping options listed except for the default. I have double checked his login info, API key etc, for accuracy, I have also verified that the weight of products (lbs) and that of the plugin are correct. No matter what I try this does not seem to be functioning as intended. Is there something I may be missing? I have gone through the documentation to no avail. Any suggestions?


Hmmm.  I would check Shop | Shipment methods and make sure that your UPS shipping method is applied to all the needed shopper groups.  I missed that part with the new interface. 


This all seems to be set correctly. All shopper groups are assigned to the product and to the shipment method as well. I  have no idea what the problem could be.



QuoteAll shopper groups are assigned to the product and to the shipment method as well.
You do not need to set the shopper groups if don't want to restrict access to a product. If no shopper group are selected, then it means for everybody.

UPS needs the ZIP and Country from the shop. Is this information correct?


I just purchased the UPS shipping plugin and am having an issue with it as well with displaying the UPS option I selected, and calculating the additional fee.

After installation and configuration, I am presented with the options from the shipping types I chose to support... this part is working fine for me.

However, If I select a type, e.g. "UPS Ground ($6.31)", when I continue to the next page, I see the following text in the cart, to the right of the UPS logo


This is the ONLY text that displays, and no additional fee is shown, or added to the total.

I have confirmed this is happening in both IE and Chrome browsers.

I am also using the USPS plugin, and if I go back and select an option there, it's working just fine.

Please advise.


Glenn Geller
VDO-Ph International

Glenn Geller
VDO-Ph International


Thank you for the quick replies. It turns out that something was mis-configured on the UPS side of things. The plugin "magically started working after a third phone call to UPS API support.