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Multiple Quantity Question

Started by team, April 26, 2012, 16:27:40 PM

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Checjking what a heck is with download URL - might be my fault.
Back to basics:
The multiple quantities hack is for long part of the core allready. Just download the latest, and you have it,  - with the risk to repeat myself - in the core.
I don't want to comment the rest...
Like a fine wine... Good from the start and getting better over time.


BTW, the download is here:
You need to register and login in if you want to download it. I migrated my site in mean time to latest Joomla, and not all the URL's are matching the old ones - yet. It's a work on progress - as the VM2...
and that's the ideea - it's an open source thing. You don't like some facets of it: contribute to it, to make it better... or choose another open source - or commercial - software. Nobody stops you. :-*
PS. BTW, I heavily invested in this piece of software too - in the past 10 years. At that time was called Mambo phpShop - and obviously has been running under Mambo. And yes, there are some parts of it I don't really like. So what???
Like a fine wine... Good from the start and getting better over time.



I agree, all shops have good and not so good elements and if opensource you can "modify" if required.

As of an investment of thousands of dollars, seems pretty cheap compared to commercial offerings of e-com platforms. 

I also agree that there are some suprising things that have been left on the shelf for VM2 that were in VM1.1 which makes the transition a much bigger decision that it should have been. 

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Trying to download the hack from your page but i can not register my self...


bottom right, privacy settings. You need to accept use of cookies to be able to register. Sorry, it is a legal requirement by EU.
Like a fine wine... Good from the start and getting better over time.


Hi webgobe and others, do you know if you solution currently works with latest 2 version 2.6.10?
Thanks and regards


The js got updated in VM3. Please test there.
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As Milbo said - you don't need the hack anymore, the trick is now part of the core code, should work - I did not tested with the current release, but in past ones worked withouth problems.
Like a fine wine... Good from the start and getting better over time.


Can someone summarize the original question to this two year old thread? The very first message back in 2012 is exactly what I'm looking at on a VirtueMart 2.6.6 installation. It is simply that I really want the "dropdown quantity box" like I had in 1.1.8. The current quantity box, while configured with a "step" of 5, will start at 5 but will allow a user to then hit the "+" key and enter a quantity of 6. In addition, I have the quantity max set to 100 but a user can continue to hit the "+" arrow and go over 100 ... he can't add it to the cart but the user won't know that until they hit the "add to cart" button. The dropdown quantity box was a little more eloquent solution way to select something like quantities of 5 ... and it kept the quantity in the proper min-max range.

As I read through the thread I noticed the "webgobe hack" recommendation ... and then I read "the js got updated in VM3". I'm not anxious about updating the 2.6.6 site this guy has but I really need to get past this problem since it is one of the final problems we have to work through. Any input at all would be greatly appreciated.

VirtueMart 2.6.6
PHP 5.3.28
Joomla 2.5.22

Thanks  - Donnie


Ok, at the moment 2.9.9 versions still work the same way as you described. It is only after you hit save the it says " you can only save in multiples of 5" eg. So it rounds to the nearest 5.

This option may appear in later versions or be part of an extension. So not changed yet.


hey john2400 ... I'm not sure I read your reply correctly. Are you saying that versions 2.9.9 (and 2.10?) have the "quantity dropdown box" like we had back in 1.1.8?

And yes, if I was adventurous enough and could get off my lazy butt I would write an extension specifically for adding features and embellishment to the "quantity box" ... maybe tomorrow :)

Thanks - Donnie