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Beanstream Payment Gateway

Started by rayge, April 11, 2012, 17:06:20 PM

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for reference sake - i am installing this instance on a godaddy shared hosted account


Check the zip for en-GB.plg_vmpayment_beanstream.ini
and see if those variables are in it.
the show up for me and work fine.
I Use: Joomla 3.4.1 & VM 3.0.9


Must have been a permission issue -- I a manually uploaded the language file and it is show well.

however, I am unable to save the login/pass/hashkey - any idea what the cause of that would be - very close here to be able to test the plugin -

thanks much for your assistance - I am happy to help others once i get this going


OK I hadnt tested the username pass and hash casue MOST TIMES all you need is the merchant id but I am seeing the same issue.
I had assumed it would save but i didnt try it.
Let me fix it and i will upload a new file. you will then uninstall the plugin check the database that a table called
then install the new file.

I moved the attachment to the first post to make it easier to find. give it a try.
I Use: Joomla 3.4.1 & VM 3.0.9


Thanks for the plugin.  I'm a coder, but not familiar with Virtuemart 2.0's infrastructure as much as I should be.

Can you tell me where I should be installing the plugin from your zip file in to my directory structure?



install like any component, module, plugin. Through extension manager. see updates to my first post.
I Use: Joomla 3.4.1 & VM 3.0.9


update to my testing.

i sorted out a the correct parameters - and got a success 'approved' test -- looking pretty good so far - will keep testing

i will help to support this as much as I can so you don't have to --

thanks for including me in the initial stages of this plugin - love the open source community.


Results of Testing:

Using my sandbox account - i used the test 'declined' visa number - and the card was correctly declined - and when i followed the link to go back and change the credit card information - i was unable to edit the credit card information.

Do you think that this is a VM bug - or is there something on the plugin side that should allow you to edit the payment info?


well the link is using javascript which literally is like clicking the back button on your browser so it cant be the plugin causing any issues.
I Use: Joomla 3.4.1 & VM 3.0.9


Great - will work that bug with the general VM cart -- your plugin seems to be working well

are we bypassing PCI compliance - i don't see the setting in VM 2 re: saving credit card data === I am assuming the that as long as one has SSL - that the cc data is just being collected and passed along to beanstream's hosted payment page - but kept within the joomla site -- I remember you mentioning that you built this based on the plugin -- which as I understand is not storing anything on the joomla site -

great work here for the community.


Yes this was literally coded off of the plugin available. and yes the cc data is not being stored. it is just being passed to beanstreams server behind the scenes.
I Use: Joomla 3.4.1 & VM 3.0.9


Great -- I think this will be useful for others to know - as I know the PCI compliance is becoming more of an issue as ecommerce progresses.


TRUE anyone using this SHOULD have an SSL CERT and im suprised at how much the prices have gone up for one..
I Use: Joomla 3.4.1 & VM 3.0.9


I know godaddy has its weaknesses -- however - i have an 8/mth package setup for a client on my reseller package - and it includes the basis turbo ssl - which provide the https and verifies the domain - which is enough to secure the transfer of data from the user's computer to the beanstream --

godaddy seems to have improved on its shortcomings over the years - not good for sugarcrm - but good for joomla


I finally got around to testing this and we did get a successful test in the sandbox.  However in the configuration I'm getting this:

VirtueMart Parameters

creditcards   Element not defined for type = beanstreamcreditcards

Logos   Folder /images/stories/virtuemart/payment does not exist. You can create it, and place your images inside.
CVV images   Folder /images/stories/virtuemart/payment does not exist. You can create it, and place your images inside.

Now I can create the folders just fine, but what is the "element not defined for type = beanstreamcreditcards" ?  We can't seem to select a list of CCs when payment information is being entered and I'm sure this is a direct result of this error.

EDIT:  I did get it working.  I had to copy the elements directory to this location ~/plugins/vmpayment/beanstream/elements  .  For some reason the elements directory was placed directly in the ~/plugins/vmpayment/ instead.
