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Installed VM2 into Joomla 2.5 JA Tiris Template - now site isn't working

Started by creativesmythe, March 27, 2012, 07:46:57 AM

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Hello, I have been reading this forums posts for about 2 months and I finally took a chance and decided to install virtue mart.  Im new to joomla so please excuse my novice - I have Joomla 2.5 JA Tiris template and it came with Joomshopping cart. I was having major problems with support and I coun't get any solid info on compatibility with my account so I decided that I wanted to try virtuemart which is compatible with my account. So, I uninstally the joomshopping cart and I installed VM2 in the steps indicated and everything seems to have installed well. I see the virturmart info in the component are and I though ok...all is well but when I clicked view site - nothing was there. I was expecting to see my product images and other elements of the shopping cart gone...but I wasn't expecting the whole site gone... I only see the following error 404 message:
404 - Component not found

You may not be able to visit this page because of: out-of-date bookmark/favourite
2.a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site
3.a mistyped address have no access to this page
5.The requested resource was not found.
6.An error has occurred while processing your request.

I know that I downloaded and installed the right version of virtue mart in the right order. Here is a link to where I got my template.

Can anyone let me know where I am going wrong? I would really appreciate ANY help as I am pretty discouraged right now.


I got it worked out. So if anyone else ever runs into this problem with the joomlart template JA Tiris 2.5 = The issue was that the joomshop was linked to the home menu so I just had to create a new home menu type and assign it as my default home menu. Now, I can get back to setting up my virtuemart...which did install properly. :D