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PayPal only for a particular product category?

Started by freeme, March 14, 2012, 22:54:00 PM

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I want to sell downloadable files, which shall be paid by PayPal.

Other products in my shop can be paid by pre transfer or "Nachnahme".

How can I restrict PayPal to a specific product or product category?

The standard payment plugin I can control by assigning specific weights to the products and then defining the weights in the standard payment module. In PayPal, there is nothing like the weight....



paypal button in the settings can be set how to sell products including files that can be downloaded


Thank you afitzone, but where did you find the "paypal button" in the settings?

The only way how to configure paypal, is in SHOP / PAYMENT METHODS / PAYPAL. And there, I can find nothing, which allows me to set Paypal for a particular product...