BUG!!!: On sent order e-mail Standart-PayPal payment not seen cart attributes!

Started by dron_gr, March 10, 2012, 10:16:27 AM

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VM 2.0.2 and higher (I did tries in 2.03, 203a). I will describe my occasion: My shop selling tickets. Every ticket have cart attribute drop-down - Age: For adult, HALF PRICE for  kid 5-12 y.o., FREE for kid under 4 y.o..

So the problem is that in order email if, for example, client bougth one ticket for adult and one for kid 5 to 12 y.o. is  seen only the first item but the final price which he payed is for the both tickets. In shopping cart everything is right but in ORDER e-mail and in ORDERS in backend exists that issue.

I attach pictures so you understand better what i mean.

That bug exists in both kinds of payments (PayPal and Standart).

That issue is really urgent to be solved so any help is REALLY appreciated!!
Many many thanks in advance!

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