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Shipping Carrier and Credit Card menu items broken

Started by balero98, March 26, 2012, 17:24:56 PM

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I am experiencing menacing issue that I can't seem to resolve. I have combed the forum and found posts from people with the same or similar issues, but no obvious solution. Please help. My client's shop is completely useless until I get this resolved.

I've attached screen shots with the error that shows up with debug turned on when clicking the broken buttons. The broken buttons are also in view in the screen shots.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Anyone? So many people seem to be experiencing this same error, but no resolution. At anybody's mercy here.


I am having what appears to be the same issue with the Shipping Carrier menu items being broken.  I'm also a beginner and looking for advice on this one.

Help!  Thanks,




I got same issue when i installed. But i work in local so i remove all things and install updated version of VM 2.0.4. And it works. If possible for you so try this way. I hope this helps you. Thanks...


@balero98...did you find a solution to your issue?

if not...what seemed to work for me was changing the Shipping Methods entry in the #__virtuemart_adminmenuentries table.

on mine it was the 16th one.

If you are familiar with phpMyAdmin all you have to do is edit 2 of the fields in the shipping method menu item.

Look for COM_VIRTUEMART_SHIPPINGCARRIER_S in the name field. That is the menu item for the shipping methods.

Change the name to COM_VIRTUEMART_SHIPMENTMETHOD_S and the view to shipmentmethod

I only had issues with the shipping methods. you can try the same thing with your credit cards menu item. I don't have that plugin installed so I'm not sure what the values should be. How I found the shipping values was I installed a fresh install of virtuemart on localhost and compared the 2 databases and changed the field that wasn't working to the field that was.

hope that helps.