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How to disable Shipping and payment Method

Started by sathivel, April 09, 2012, 09:45:30 AM

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Hi ,

  I am new for virtumart mart in joomla. I want to disable shipping and payment method . Just i want to click check out then it will go to Confirm order . Please any can help to develop this .

Thanks for your support !!!


You need to create two things, a single payment and a single shipment option.(  First )

* a shipping method that is free and covers all options of weight and postecodes

* in reality the designer say that if you just leave all these options and only fill in the cost for 0 dollars then it will not register a cost.

* in payment again create a payment option that is free and covers all options of goods - again make it  0 dollars

In configuartion>> checkout >> make enable automatic shipment and payment >

Try that first -


can u tell me how to create pagination in module using virtuemart 2.0.2 and joomla 1.5.21 stable version.
thanx in advance