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Session Cookie problem Joomla 1.7.3/Virtuemart 2.0.0-RC-2M

Started by nullachtfuffzehn, December 08, 2011, 13:07:48 PM

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While developing a new shop on our testserver, it happens every now and then, right out of the blue, that no more products are displayed in any categories. Just the category header is displayed.

We checked the session settings and anything else, but to no avail.

When it happens, deleting the browsers session cookie is the only way to get it back to work properly.

Maybe it's related to the fact, that we're using the same browser for administrating virtuemart as well as for the shop view. But I guess other people do it the same way.

Any ideas why this happens?


The problem still remains even after we installed the shop with Joomla 1.7.3 and VM2 final from the scratch on the production server.

We tried to avoid the issue by using two different browsers for administration and frontend.

The only solution is still to delete the session cookies to get it back to work. Any Joomla-based content is displaying properly.