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Virtuemart 2 not running after hosting website

Started by eduard_jazz, December 29, 2011, 13:05:36 PM

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Hi guys, i was new here and need to ask about my website.

First time i try to make a e-commerce website at localhost and it working fine. after i hosting it, my website is working but when i try to click a product looks like virtuemart is not running and it says :

Not Found

The requested URL /en/component/virtuemart/index.php/en/virtuemart/2011-12-29-10-24-503 was not found on this server.

the config.php is ok (see the website is running).
i have add the categories, and product on admin and it works fine.

I have look around for solution, and it just working for virtuemart 1xx version.
please help me how to fix this.

the website is in here:


its going to be problems with your htaccess.

Its a sef problem. You probably need to recreate htaccess for the new domain.


can you show me some example? i dont understand how to create this htaccess...  :(



ok, i have disabel "SEF" first and not work. than i try to rename htaccess.txt to htaccess and it seems working. but there is some code error still appear like this after i klik the lingeries product :

Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/sloki/user/k4463194/sites/ on line 174

Warning: fopen( [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/sloki/user/k4463194/sites/ on line 174

are this because of htaccess change?


how did you move the website?

did you use akeeba?


i just move it manualy. rename the htaccess on spanel. i dont know about this akeba, what is it use for?

anyway i have a problem with add to cart to. this make me more confuse :(


download akeeba backup and move the site

ITS the best way to move a site and make sure things dont get messed up


ok, i try it next time.

now the virtuemart just working on product details. but i cant add to cart. why when we do hosting make so much problem?  :'(


your problems could be from corrupted files when you moved the site.

whats the url?