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[SOLVED] VM1 to VM2 migration seems to be done but DB not loaded in VM2 backend

Started by Brunus, December 26, 2011, 14:47:18 PM

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Hi there.

Thanks for your great work !

I'm trying to upgrade a Joomla 1.5 / VM1 website to Joomla 1.5 / VM2 and after this to Joomla 1.7 / VM2

I'm at the first step, upgrading VM1 to VM2 in the current Joomla 1.5 test site (it's a backup of a production site working since 3 years and up to date)
I followed all the steps correctly, using the FAQ thread on migration, and the migration seems to be done but I can't see my datas in the backend.
Datas are not imported by VM2.

Example, my product_name on the production website shows 180 distinct values, while on the migrated text site, there is no product_name in xxx_virtuemart_products and nothing also in xxx_virtuemart_products_fr_fr

What could I do to help you to find the issue i'm facing on this migration ?





Hi there,

No I did not use the migrator, I used this FAQ answer step by step :

Ok I activated the migration tools and used it.
It works, almost... I only need to enter again few infos in the shop, I think it's ok.

I think the FAQ thread is not so clear, perhaps adding step 11 : activate miragtor tools, and step 12 : use migrator tools could help to not receive dumb messages as mine ;-)

Again, great work ! Love VM ! Happy new year to all the team, moderators, admins, devs, testers !

Editing my thread, tagging SOLVED