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[Solved] Migration historical order data problems

Started by TechnoMage, March 18, 2012, 13:22:09 PM

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I have a webshop with a bigger database (almost 4000 products) and a few years of orders with their historical data.

During the migration process I do not get any orders related ones.

Nevertheless there is a huge dataloss in case of historical orders (vm_order_history 5558 lines, vm_order_item 22449 lines, vm_order_user_info 3652 -> virtuemart_order_histories 328 lines, virtuemart_order_items 975 lines, virtuemart_order_userinfos 133 lines). The vm_orders and virtuemart_orders tables have both 1877 lines that part works fine. After the migration has finished I mainly only see the first sold products in any order and most of the orders do not even have any name or products attached.

Furthermore the order numbers change in a strange way from '00002240' (in vm 1.1.9) to '2733_64c129ee088fdfe9ba551f617de' (in vm 2.0.2). This is not an error but it really looks bad :)

(Joomla 1.5.25 // Virtuemart 1.1.9 -> Joomla 1.5.25 // Virtuemart 2.0.2)



Please use the latest version. There are some more options and some smaller problems fixed, better handling of non consistent tables.
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I have tried migrating with the 2.0.3.E version. I still have similar issue (seems like the number of entries in the tables have nothing to do with the issue) that after around 170 orders no additional order data are beeing migrated (from 13 November 2011 backwards, this is the date of the migration from the previous store). Nevertheless this version is doing a better job as the previous one.

As I mentioned earlier at the date, this error has probably something to do with the earlier migration when the data was migrated from VM 1.0.15 // Joomla 1.0 to VM 1.1.9 // Joomla 1.5. I have no idea how is the data different since it is perfectly working under VM 1.1.9.

Another issue is that I am not able to install the 'com_virtuemart.2.0.3.E_ext_aio' component, but I guess that has no effect on the migration so I just ignored that. I get internal server error during the installation attemp under Joomla 1.5.25.

And one last remark, the shopper groups are also beeing migrated, but at the users all of them are attached to the same user group.



You have a setting that you can set if you want a new order_numbers, or if you take the old vm1 order_ids. At the moment, always when people have problems it is connected to broken entries.
I am sorry, I do not understand your description what you mean with "that after around 170 orders no additional order data are beeing migrated", ... I think you know that you have to repeat the migration until it is done (resuming).
For the error with the aio, please open another thread with an exact error description.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
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The resuming caused me duplicated entries, therefor I am doing the migration on localhost where I have
max_execution_time 1800000 and memory_limit 1280M. This means I am doing the whole migration in one session without resuming.

Sorry maybe I was not enough clear. So the order detail migration stops when it gets to the orders on 13.11.2011. This was the date of the previous migration process as I have written down earlier. The exact number of correct order migrations is not important here I think, that is why I have written around 170.

The order numbers now work perfectly.


I have checked the orders in the database and their entries from that point looks different, probably similar to the ones used by the 1.0.15 VM.

You can see a snapshot of my database here:

After the order_id 2121 you can see the difference.

Any idea how I could solve this issue?