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How to Disable HTTPS/SSL Checkout?

Started by jermo5, October 17, 2012, 20:32:25 PM

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Joomla 2.5.4 / VM 2.0.10

I use Paypal for all payment options and have had issues with users checking out and it's caused by HTTPS/SSL issues.

What I would like to do is completely disable secure cart/checkout in VM. I have gone through all the settings that I know of, cleared page cache, etc and I am ALWAYS redirected to HTTPS once I get to the checkout page.

I have searched far and wide but can't find a solution: can someone give me a "dummy's guide to disabling secure checkout"?

What I have done:
- VM Configuration --> Shop settings: UNchecked "Enable SSL for sensitive areas"
-Joomla Global Configuration --> Server tab: Set "Force SSL to None"

To reproduce issue, try visiting the following link (goes directly to our cart), see how it redirects to HTTPS?



At the virtuemart module go to configuration => shop and disable option 6 (last in the first box)

Good luck

Rob van Westrop


Thanks for the quick reply Rob!

I actually have that last option disabled already ("Enable SSL for sensitive areas" is already unchecked).

But when I hover over that option I see the tooltip says: "Be sure to use the right Joomla settings for the user maintenance, the anonymous order and the login."

So now my question is, what ARE the right settings for those 3 things and where do I find them?


I Think that the option must be set on ; Site => global configuration => server => force SSL to "none"




Quote from: westrop on October 17, 2012, 21:29:10 PM
I Think that the option must be set on ; Site => global configuration => server => force SSL to "none"



Yeah, I tried that as well, it didn't change anything with the SSL. Any other ideas?


@jermo5 did you find teh solution?

Same here, i have a problem after enabling the SSL,
add to cart is not working,
cart is not update..

i disable all of the SSL, in virtuemart and also in Global configuration. but no luck...

please somebody...
