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attribute price displayed with no currency conversion in minicart and cart

Started by aaltinisik, January 07, 2009, 23:21:00 PM

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product attribute price is shown incorrect in product descriptions in minicart and cart with multiple currencies enabled.

VirtueMart Version:

Joomla/Mambo Version:

Steps to replicate:

1) make store currency currency1
2) add a new product with price in currency2
3) add attributes with price to the product you created in step 2
4) go to frontpage and add the product with 2 different attributes.

you will see that attribute price is converted correctly to currency1 in the add to cart form. However it is shown unconverted in the descriptions in minicart, cart and checkout.

Proposed fix(es):
function used in add to cart drop down list converts the attribute price correctly. The same function can be used in descriptions of minicart and cart.

Bugtracker task #:

Already submitted by someone else however no change for some time.

System info:
Debian 3.1 Apache 2, PHP 5,
Ahmet Altinisik

newbie poweruser