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issues with 1.1 rc3

Started by omarreyes, April 05, 2008, 01:37:27 AM

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im having problems with virtuemart 1.1 RC3
first of all im using joomla 1.5.2 and i have legacy mode activated because of other mods and components i have runing on my page... dont know if thats a factor.

here are the issues:

1. when i create a product and upload the image, it doesnt upload the thumbnail automaticly.
2. when i upload the thumbnail manualy and go to the front end i cant visualize it
3. when i try to click on the product link to go in the detailed view i get an error
4. when i try to put products in my cart it doesnt do anything....

can someone help me with these issues?
you can see the errors in
am i the only one having this problem? did i do something wrong or are they bugs?

Omar O.


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


If you use Joomla! sef, take it off.
I have test nightly build Joomla! 1.5.2 and nightly build virtueMart 1.1.x. If I use J! sef, urls are not right.
I know that Joomla! team have make the router.php better, but it dont work correctly.
In url is sometimes missing index.php or sometimes going to flypage there is folder "virtuemart" what I dont have in my url.
VirtueMart,(Joomla-phpShop, mambo-phpShop) since 2004-03-11


It was my fail.
I was FTP the old Joomla! to my site and had not clear the cache.
Nighly build Joomla! 1.5.2 and nightly build virtuemart 1.1.x works with Joomla! sef.
VirtueMart,(Joomla-phpShop, mambo-phpShop) since 2004-03-11