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Changing to work for Cybersource

Started by Shelly Haffly, September 09, 2005, 20:53:57 PM

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On the two pull-down menus where I select "Pending", "Confirmed", there is no tag lines like the others.  Did I mess up my english.php hack?

- rg


Update on the CyberSource payment module!
v1.1 Released 11/7/2006

   * Added additional CyberSource methods
      - Void Captures
      - Refund Payment
   * More detailed debug messages returned from the
     "handleError" function
   * AUTH_ONLY and AUTH_CAPTURE are both valid responses to CS_TYPE
      - AUTH_ONLY will only authorize the transaction
      - AUTH_CAPTURE will attempt to capture payment after performing
   * REVIEW status for authorizations
      - If an authorization is marked as 'review', the order *should*
        still be recorded in VirtueMart along with the reason which
        will be displayed under the "Payment Log"
   * More detailed Payment log for each CyberSource service
   * No more error messages will be displayed when adding this payment

[attachment cleanup by admin]



I just downloaded your update.  There are several problems with it on my installation:

1. There's no place to put my cybersource login id on the config screen
2. The field labels for verified status & invalid status are missing on the config page
3. This version says that the cybs.ini file path is invalid on this new version.  If I restore it to the prior version, it doesn't show a path error.

- rg



I'm also finding an error with the index used for $this->reply it is using ccAuthReply_reasonCode and it seems to need reasonCode.

If this is the case let me know so i can go ahead and edit the code I have accordingly. btw I'm using cybersource api 5.0.1
921 E. Fort Avenue Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21230

+1 410-468-0777


did you get a chance to fix these bugs?  are you seeing the bugs that I see?