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I think Virtuemart should push harder for donations

Started by floatingworld, September 03, 2006, 19:14:02 PM

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I've read the thread about Vmart needing dev help. I just wanted to say that I don't think This website pishes hard enough enough for donations. This program offers tremendous value. Don't be afraid to push hard for donations, and to ask for them at any opportunity. 

People will donated more if you push harder.

All the best,



Gwen ex-dev team member. I used virtuemart to build a very good experience for me !

Adam Bazaroff

/Adam'B ... Poor english mode [ON] ;D


I believe more people will Donate if the "simple" questions get answered. A lot of people I know who downloaded the site couldn't figure a lot of stuff out and they had to go elsewhere. I myself love the site!! I'm still not sure if i'm able to use it or not later on. I'm getting all the bugs worked out first on my own, and once everything is fixed look forward to a huge donation. even though 75% of my questions are never answered. I do realize this site needs money to stay open, and I realize the creator needs money also.

Its just hard for a lot of people to pay for something with little to no feedback in unanswered post.

By all means push harder for donations, but please take time out to help the newbies. Most of the time when you help them out they'll offer to pay even more money.

VirtueMart works for me so far. when I get everything setup and running and when a few more orders go threw. I will donate!

Some things:
Paypal Pro
and the new feature that a lot of sites have now
"Pay me later feature" would be awesome for everyone!

Take care