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Payline payment module

Started by maia, January 26, 2010, 21:23:47 PM

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Hi there,

I'm having trouble understanding how it works.

You can download the VM module here:

and it's even supported by orange as well:

Btw, the code provided sets ref as amount. So people might want to correct that issue. You should also add this module to the payment modules repo.

Getting back to the issue. I've installed this thing (messing around with soap/wsdl lib connections was a pain) but it gives me a "contract number" error in the end which i'll try to solve. But, I mean ... and afterwards, what happens ? Am i redirected to their (payline) payment system (like paypal) or what ?

Thanks in advance and cheers,


Got it working with order status update system after processing the payment !

I'll expand this project to a broader level in the future. As of now it works flawlesslly in a complete payment process and order update status, so i'm happy with it.

It was a though lone job so ... contact me by email if you're interested in this module.

Btw, payline serves many euro payment services. This one was a request for portuguese unicre or redunicre payment service.



Hi, I am adding the same Payline module but receive this error after following their instructions:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare __autoload() (previously declared in /testsite/public_html/libraries/loader.php:159) in /testsite/public_html/payline/payline_1.1.5/include.php on line 4

Any idea on a resolution ?
