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On which page can i redirect my shoppers once the payment is finished

Started by xavier_BL, February 16, 2006, 15:15:33 PM

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I  send my shoppers to a specific url for payment, so i create my payment method like paypal one.
When the shopper has chosen all the products he wants, the final step is replaced by the payment page where he seized his card number. He validates the form and then, a confirmation page appears with a button to come back to the merchant site.

My question is: on which page can i redirect the shoppers.

Is there a response page on  VirtueMart?

Thank you a lot for your help and congratulations for your payment module which is very easy to use and very easy to add modules.


in the PayPal config...Payment Extra Info

"cancel_return" => SECUREURL ."index.php"

this brings user back to Joomla home page

bring them back to shop index:
"cancel_return" => SECUREURL ."index.php?option=com_virtuemart"

"cancel_return" is PayPal's variable name. You can use this name or another in your script on the 'specific url'.