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Newsletter subscription in shopper fields

Started by David-Andrew, January 09, 2012, 19:28:17 PM

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Hi guys

In Virtuemart 1.1 there was a field type in shopper fields "ccNewsletter" and when configured it could be used to ask a customer to subscribe to a (ccNewsletter) newsletter during checkout. I noticed this is logically gone int he VM2.0 rewrite. I have a few questions about that.

As I can see now, there is no way to add a "newsletter subscription" checkbox to the Virtuemart shopper fields (in checkout) etc? Or is there (a plugin event maybe)?

If we would contribute a generic -plugin based- solution that should also work for other newsletter extensions for the next feature release, would you accept that and merge it to core?

In your opinion, what would be the best method to enable a generic newsletter subscription checkbox in the shopper fields?

Kind regards
Chill Creations
iDEAL for Virtuemart 3

Also supports Rabo OmniKassa and other payment providers, and older Virtuemart versions!


I too wonder about how to give shoppers the option to subscribe to a newsletter.


Use AcyMailing - it has all you need. Or what newsletter you use?