Order Email Notifications are not sending to customer email or to vendor email

Started by xniickiidx, June 10, 2015, 10:58:45 AM

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Joomla 3.3.0
Virtuemart 3.0.8

When I make a test order on the website - notification emails are not sending to the email used to make the order letting me know my order has been placed - or to the vendor email address to let them know an order has been placed.
I do get an email from PayPal to let me know that the payment has been successful and the vendor also receives their email from PayPal about the successful payment - but still no order email from the website.

I have set the email notification settings in the config to send emails out when an order is Confirmed by Shopper and Confirmed by PayPal and for Cancelled Orders/Refunded Orders - but none of these are coming through.

How do I go about fixing this issue as I need to resolve the problem ASAP to get those notifications when an order is made.

Thanks in advance - Nicola

Mod edit:  bump message removed. Please read http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=104795.0


Hi Nicola.

I have just pasted something simmerer to your post. Did you ever find out what the problem was that you can let me know what i should look for to fix the same problme.

Thanks Michael