System not sending invoice to customer after Order / Payment

Started by MichaelFox1979, August 15, 2024, 10:57:27 AM

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Hello everyone,

I am really new to Joomla / VirtueMart. I have been trying for many months to finish getting a website working and trying to understand how it all works...

It's almost functional, but I have 2 things still to work out:

1. when doing a test order with a test registered customer, the system is not sending an invoice to this said test customer after or before payment. I have had a couple of people check things out but nothing seems 'out of the ordinary' that should prevent this from happening.

2. Probably unrelated, I have noticed that in the back end of the site under VirtueMart / Shop I am getting an error: An error has occurred.
0 count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given

The site is running Joomla 5.1.2 and VirtueMart 4.2.12. (PHP 8.2)

Is there anyone that could shed some light on what could be happening so that I can get my site to go live? I would really appreciate the help.

Thanks Michael


For Q1:
- Is your site on a server or local, on a PC?

- Does just the customer not recieve email or both customer and shop owner?

- Does the website send emails at all? Go to Global configuration > Server and send a test mail (all the way at the bottom)

- What payment method is used?

- What order status is set in the payment method?

- What is the order status of the order after confirming/paying the order?

- In VM Config: What order statusses are set to recieve emails?



Sorry i am quite new to this, I will try answer your questions the best to my ability.

- Is your site on a server or local, on a PC?
  The website is on Server.

- Does just the customer not recieve email or both customer and shop owner?
  Customer and shop owner.

- Does the website send emails at all? Go to Global configuration > Server and send a test mail (all the way at the bottom)
The systems send emails to the customer and shop owner on Registration, Password Re-Set. I have done the Test email in the Global Configuration and working 100%.

- What payment method is used?
I am using 3rd Party PayFast

- What order status is set in the payment method?
Please see below attached.

- What is the order status of the order after confirming/paying the order?
Please see below attached.

- In VM Config: What order statusses are set to recieve emails?
Please see below attached.

I hope this helps answer you questions.



:o  >:(  :(
Thank you, it looks fine...

And what if you use a default payment system: VM - Payment, standard?
Does the shop send emails when using that payment during checkout?

In VM - Payment, standard the setting for order status is in the second tab "Configuration".
Set the status for pending transactions to a status that should send emails.

You need to save the payment system twice...
First save to create it and a second to save the configuration... :-X

What do you see when Debug e-mail is set?
VirtueMart > Configuration > Orders

Would updating to VM4.2.16 help?