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PROBLEM VERSION 4.2.10 modifying products and cloning

Started by fatelettronica, May 18, 2024, 10:12:12 AM

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I have now realized that after upgrading to VirtueMart 4.2.10 11010 there is a serious problem with modifying product data and cloning.
By cloning a product and when saving, the message appears in RED (I attach a screenshot) and save a new identical and non-cloned product. Then it is not possible to modify the products, same error.
The same thing also happens on a second site.
How can it be solved?

Joomla! 4.4.4 Stable [ Pamoja ] 16-April-2024 16:00 GMT
VirtueMart 4.2.10 11010
PHP version 8.2.18
Database version 10.6.17-MariaDB-cll-lve-log
LiteSpeed Web Server


It looks the error is "data too long for column layout"

I'd try to set that field to a wider size using something like phpMyAdmin or issuing an "ALTER TABLE" if you know how to do it from command line.

Let we know and good luck 


Your layoutname for the product is Nessunasovrascrittura. We set 16 chars there, many years ago. I set it now to 48 varchars.
Do NOT modify the Db yourself. Next update it is reverted, because it is a field controlled by vm. You can add your own columns and they should be touched, but do not change existing ones.

But you can fix it just entering the same number as me in the svn for your live installation and use the table updater in the tools.

The file to change is in /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/install/install.sql. Change line 840 to `layout` varchar(48).

But do you really want to use the layout override here? The common way is to leave it blank. But a version before was something broken, there was no blank. So the fix is, that we have a gain the blank version.

and you could not store this layout before, because it has clearly more than 16 chars.
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Thanks for the reply. After the update it was resolved.
But now there are other problems with the latest versions