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Authorizenet error On Order Done Page..

Started by hotrod, August 25, 2023, 15:21:34 PM

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On my Upgraded test site to J4.. I just placed a test order  and it went through fine..  but this error showed at the top of the page?


vmError: vmTable store updateObject Data too long for column 'authorizenet_response_account_number' at row 1 UPDATE `wwdai_virtuemart_payment_plg_authorizenet` SET `virtuemart_order_id`='11021',`order_number`='0',`virtuemart_paymentmethod_id`='0',`payment_name`='0',`payment_order_total`='0',`payment_currency`='0',`return_context`='0',`cost_per_transaction`='0',`cost_percent_total`='0',`tax_id`='0',`authorizenet_response_authorization_code`='151795',`authorizenet_response_transaction_id`='64562974037',`authorizenet_response_response_code`='1',`authorizenet_response_response_subcode`='1',`authorizenet_response_response_reason_code`='1',`authorizenet_response_response_reason_text`='This transaction has been approved.',`authorizenet_response_transaction_type`='auth_capture',`authorizenet_response_account_number`='XXXX7424',`authorizenet_response_card_type`='Visa',`authorizenet_response_card_code_response`='M',`authorizenet_response_cavv_response`='',`authorizeresponse_raw`='1|1|1|This transaction has been approved.|151795|Y|64562974037|FQG208697||55.39|CC|auth_capture||Rod|Houck||42 Mae Dr|Yardville|New Jersey|08620|United States of America (the)|6099549108|||Rod|Houck||42 Mae Dr|Yardville|New Jersey|08620|United States of America (the)|||||||M||||||||||||XXXX7424|Visa|||||||463237476252161KN27W 01||||||||||3.1|,|TRUE|FALSE|||',`modified_on`='2023-08-25 13:13:44',`modified_by`='945' WHERE `id` = '10948'

Thought maybe it had something to do with my account on the new site...   When I checked out as Guest..   i only got this error..


vmTable store updateObject

But everything goes through fine.
Bronze Member
VirtueMart 4.2.4 10922
Joomla!  ‎4.3.4
PHP 8.0

GJC Web Design

increase the size of the field 'authorizenet_response_account_number' in the table wwdai_virtuemart_payment_plg_authorizenet via your cPanel phpmyadmin
GJC Web Design
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That's like Chinese to me : )  I got to here..  can you help me a tad more. : 0  I see  XXXX

What should I change the 4 to?
Bronze Member
VirtueMart 4.2.4 10922
Joomla!  ‎4.3.4
PHP 8.0


I took a shot and chaged to 8..  and that worked!!  thank you!!.. can you tell me why this would have changed from my active shop?
Bronze Member
VirtueMart 4.2.4 10922
Joomla!  ‎4.3.4
PHP 8.0

GJC Web Design

yes .. 8  - authorizenet_response_account_number`='XXXX7424

the Xs look like padding though?
GJC Web Design
VirtueMart and Joomla Developers - php developers
VM4 AusPost Shipping Plugin - e-go Shipping Plugin - VM4 Postcode Shipping Plugin - Radius Shipping Plugin - VM4 NZ Post Shipping Plugin - AusPost Estimator
Samport Payment Plugin - EcomMerchant Payment Plugin - ccBill payment Plugin
VM2 Product Lock Extension - VM2 Preconfig Adresses Extension - TaxCloud USA Taxes Plugin - Virtuemart  Product Review Component
Contact for any VirtueMart or Joomla development & customisation


Yeah, I don't know what the exes represented but I got into where you can see. I took a screenshot changed it to eighth because of that account number and it works. I'm just wondering why it changed on the new site I'm developing.  And again, thank you I would've never figured that one out.
Bronze Member
VirtueMart 4.2.4 10922
Joomla!  ‎4.3.4
PHP 8.0


Changed in plugin for next update.

'authorizenet_response_account_number' => 'char(8)',
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